Show me then! As if red marlon has upset you. Get a grip, but keep me going as some kind of bogeyman who goes against your beliefs. By the way not upset by being called pathetic either...
You’re overhyping yourself , I did say it didn’t bother me but hey ho it’s you so facts don’t matter . You still haven’t shown me the post where I’ve called someone an idiot yet . You’ve nothing to offer but venom and deflections I’m not going round in circles , you’ve rounded on everyone that’s asked you why you don’t think the Tories are incompetent but there’s no agenda ? At least I don’t hide my agenda . PS I said pathetic response , called no one pathetic but you know that . It just doesn’t fit you’re agenda .
Sorry pal. But you’ve got it all wrong again. Maybe it’s trouble reading., maybe it’s comprehension, maybe you just want to argue with someone. But I can’t be bothered to keep repeating stuff to you. I know I am prepared to learn new stuff and open my mind, you’re not. I don’t have an agenda, just because I don’t treat politics like my football team, who I will follow whatever. I have an opinion however, on which some people have influenced on here. Including yourself in a way. The main way you have influenced me is that I believe card carrying party holders are likely to have a distorted view of reality. This I imagine is on all parties, as I’m sure tories do the same. I also wouldn’t trust any party members to be honest about anything... Ps have your final repetitive say, claiming to be a victim of all those horrid things you claim I say to you. (With no evidence). I’m done replying. Have a nice weekend.
According to the article in the Sunday Times about the preparation for the Virus Boris wasn't interested and neither was his mate Cummings they assumed wrongly catastrophically wrongly that it was no threat to us in the UK despite the clear signs it would be, they had only one interest one priority, brexit! and Johnson couldn't even be bothered with that at weekends when he cuffed of to one of his tax payer funded country retreats with his Mistress and refused to do any work. The Conservative government were told 3 years ago that preparation for a pandemic in the UK had gone from world leading to unsatisfactory under their watch and they did nothing to change that. The Conservative government have allowed NHS and Care staff to put there lives in great danger because of ideology and incompetence. So yes if you voted Conservative in General Elections in 2010 or since you have indirectly caused unnecessary deaths from Covid 19.
I was determined not to get involved in this spat, but , you wouldn’t trust ANY party members to be honest about ANYTHING! How does that sentence sound in the cold light of day? Rhetorical by the way.
I have no problem with folk on an internet message board using hindsight. I do, however, expect the government of the day - whoever they are - to use some bloody foresight. If handling of the virus was an exam, this lot wouldn't merit an "F".
So, weeks of people arriving in the country with the government insisting there was little threat from the disease being transmitted in this way, yet now they're passed the peak we get this...
Myself, I'd have said U (for unclassified - you youngsters U was the O level equivalent of managing to spell your name correctly on the exam paper)
You open mind lol. You’re repetitive definitely , all those horrid things didn’t bother me it was the constant harassment on every thread that I got fed up of that’s why I blocked you . I don’t care whether you take my posts on board or not tbh they’re what I believe with evidence to support so take it or leave it . I think you’re interpretation in reading my posts is bothering you more than what’s actually wrote tbh. It’s not me that gets irate reading posts you highlight may posts and I answer , whether you reply or not is no skin off my nose I can assure you. If you think I’m trying to influence you or anybody for that matter then I think you have a small mind I’m putting my view it’s you who seems to think I’m converting anyone most people can make up their own minds you on the other hand think you’re being brainwashed I think that says more about you than my posts tbh . PS Oh and by the way I didn’t bring the Labour Party into the conversation only you Tories kept trying to change the subject so your repeated bluster about me and the Labour Party are obsolete and as I’ve repeatedly said a deflection from your excuses.
A few years ago a Labour member tried to bring in a windfall tax to tax these companies that funded these hospital/school builds seeing as though at the time Corporation tax was 30% when they started which dropped down to 17%( good owd Georgie Osbourne) at the time of a vote on this windfall tax. Labour and Lib dems were voted down by 305 to 265 by the Conservatives. Well I nivver.
Agreed. Every time I come on here and see you and the rest of your gang liking each other's posts I'm reminded again of how much you all don't have an agenda. It's so refreshing.