I think it’s worth remembering and respecting those who fought and those who lived through the war. it troubles me that we show so little understanding that we have to put our own interpretation of their history and what they felt in 1945 (75 years on). Best illustrated by the fact that less than 2 months after VE Day that generation, and particularly those who fought, removed Winston Churchill from power in such numbers that nothing had ever been seen like it before in British politics. They actually got rid of him while the war was still going on! it always seemed to me, that decision doesn’t play well with Today’s narrative. So, it gets airbrushed out of history. So much for respecting the War generation.
Ditto YT. The 2 minute silence remembering those who fought and died in today’s service . (Remembrance Day the day when we remember those who fought and lost their lives in all wars. ) Is in my eyes an addition to VE Day which is a celebration of the downfall of Hitler and the enemies. Thank god he didnt conquer Europe. Can’t imagine where we’d be now. . Each to their own. As you say. The celebrations are down to that fact. Whilst I do believe the celebrations are a personal thing. Street parties are not for me but I wouldn’t knock anyone doing it for the right reasons. Not an excuse for a knees up. Which sadly some glorify victory. the British doing it all alone. instead of respecting what it’s really about. The downfall of an evil regime.
There's no excuse at all for a street party right now though socially distanced or not it's a direct breach of the rules
I’m aware of that mate. I should have said household garden parties. (Couples/families living in the same household) In this instance. There were quite a few that went on in my st.
To make sure people are staying at home and apart from each other, the government has prohibited by law all public gatherings of more than two people, except for very limited purposes: where the gathering is of a group of people who live together in the same household – this means that a parent can, for example, take their children to the shops if there is no option to leave them at home where the gathering is essential for work purposes - but workers should try to minimise all meetings and other gatherings in the workplace
If each "household" stays within the confines of their garden and maintains social distancing, then an event such as successfully occurred on our street - everyone seemed to be happy to call it a street party - would not it seems have been a breach of the rules.
We had a street party where all the households stayed within the front garden, the police actually turned up and praised us for sticking to it.
But they aren't actually street parties and as such are allowed. I'm talking about actual ones where the imbeciles do a conga down the street staying two metres apart or the one I drove past in hoyland common where they were sat on the pavement (and even 2 sat ON the main road.
I think if everything was normal we would get a bit pissed, have street parties, get dressed up, Battle of Britain, Vera Lynn, don't mention the war, Dad's Army type of atmosphere. It just seemed there was a bit of an effort in the media to equate what is happening now with WW2 and that kind of in it together spirit. And if I may say so, Boris with Winston.
I was talking to someone I know a few months ago & said the same thing & it was very sad & emotional. He was talking to some people he met & started talking about Auschwitz, to which to response was "we don't believe in that proparganda"