Watched his travel documentry on North Korea this week...absolutely brilliant.. Funny with just the right balance of serious questions about a country just opening up to the world....if David Attenborough is no 1 with the British public this guy should be no 2 and a knighthood....National treasure is Michael....
totally agree Skinner. But Captain Tom is number 1 right now and he too should be knighted....I mean if Posh Spice can get a queens award for sewing a few frocks. Then Michael and Tom surely deserve to be recognised.
He's a Sheffield Wednesday fan so he's obviously lacking in some areas, only joking, he's terrific. On a similar theme, back in the day I despised Michael Portillo, but, his railway travel show is very enjoyable and he comes across as really likeable chap, strange how our views can alter.
During this shutdown I watched all my Michael Palin box sets and in I think it was Sahara he admitted to being a Wednesday fan.
"My first affinities were with United when I was at school in Sheffield. Then in 1965 I came to live in London and just any victory for a Sheffield team was to be welcomed. But I had to “come out” when I was up in Sheffield eight years ago and someone said: “Come on, you can only support one team.” So since then I have found it easier to say I am a Blade — though I am still keen to see them both do well." M Palin
Yes, same with Portillo. I used to shake my fist at him on the telly when he was in government but now, after the Punch and Judy politics have gone, he's worth a watch.
this series is worth a watch
**** world we live in. You read the name of a famous person as thread opener and you think they've died.
Along with Ken Clarke, Portillo is one of the few Tories you'd genuinely want to go out for a beer with. My aunt and uncle went to an event where Portillo was speaking last year and said it was absolutely fascinating.