The issue seems to be that the Tory govt is leaking, officially or unoficially, information about its plans. Either of these is clearly unacceptable in such a situation. This isnt a decision about building a train line or cutting VAT, it's a decision about saving leaves (or not). It's grossly irresponsible.
Nicola Sturgeon manages to do a daily briefing that is clear and is also able to answer press questions. Beyond me why these supposedly highly educated Tory ministers cant manage the same.
Because it goes back further than that, Boris would not have had a cat in hells chance of being elected if the Labour leadership would have shown clear and decisive strategy in the last 5 years. The mess is down to weak opposition and Boris being seen as the saviour of Brexit. I was called a “Boflake” in a previous post, however I think he is inconsistent at best. I can’t say things would have been better under Labour or with current government, but the last few years of Brexit arguments after the referendum has weakened our political system all round.
Which party had the referendum in the first place? Which party failed to make clear what people were actually voting for?
Conservatives called referendum. the vote was Leave or remain Politicians both sides went leave and remain
So labours to blame for this govt Being next to useless . This lot got elected because they declared that they could govern this country, a declaration based on fantasy by looks if not bare faced lies .
Your excuse for the current government being crap is that it's Labour's fault because they didn't get elected instead? That's like saying if I'm bad at my job it's everyone else who went for the interview's fault for not getting it instead even though I'd lied on my CV and all the way through my interview. No, it would mainly be my fault (for being crap) and also my employer's fault for setting me on (those who voted Conservative). In no universe, ever, would my employer (the people who voted Conservative) be blaming the person who interviewed alongside me 10 years ago (Labour) rather than me (the current government) for me wrecking the company.
The clue is in the title: Her Majesty’s Opposition. it’s their job to hold the government to account, it’s the whole bloody point of the parliamentary system, no matter who’s in government.
And rightly so , I condemned a labour govt for going to war but I didn’t say all party’s even though the Tory’s to a man voted for it I condemned Blair’s New Labour govt as did the majority of the labour movement as a whole .
I said all parties and politics are weakened. I’m not blaming anyone. This government is weak, and won on back of doing Brexit. Labour couldn’t decide, Libs said another referendum, Boris said “get Brexit done” They all in it for themselves
And the opposition controlled Parliament for so long on Brexit.... that many people voted Conservative. What would have happened if opposition had accepted the referendum vote- nobody will ever know. My first post in this thread was clear- the country needs clear leadership-regardless of Party.
TBH no one can line up with this govt the way they have handled things . If the opposition party’s had lined up with this shambles the Tory’s would have shifted the blame onto them as they did the Lib Dem’s . Boris should have reached out to the other politicians and formed a war cabinet with the best person for the role . Instead he’s kept it in house with each minister incapable of handling the decision . The severity of the situation and the lives cost or broken means no one can leave them to it and not criticise when they are making such fek ups as they are doing . If they had genuinely reached out as the crisis demanded I think the country would have been more forgiving knowing they were REALLY doing their best .
Agree, maybe should have taken the advice of the people who bought 16million pairs of protective goggles in 2009 blame the tories, blame labour, blame Trump and Putin, it’s all about their own self worth, and the public have to vote for lesser of the evils and then a few years later we reverse and do it all again. Politics is s**t and never will everyone agree. Think we can agree on that though?
Well you’ve now proved you can’t add up. The government had a majority, they controlled parliament. They didn’t need any Labour votes at all, and yet they still got some; so why didn’t they get their bill through? Because Tories voted against it. it’s the thinnest of Tory lies that Labour stopped Brexit under the last government, why am I not surprised you are repeating it. if we had clear and competent leadership, there’d be nothing for the opposition to criticise.
Didn’t they need DUP for majority? Think this will show my adding up was correct. Happy to debate and be criticised but saying Conservatives had a majority is a lie -Fact
the labour party and brexit, 1997,tony blair promises a referendum on our continued membership after heavy critisism of the major government who also promised us one after masstricht was signed only for this promise to be forgotton about as soon as the tories were once elected to govern us.. the labour party renaged on this election promise fast forward to 2007 and after a manifesto commitment to offer a referendum on the same subject Gordon Brown also refuses to carry out the self same promise although these promises were nothing to do with the latest brexit saga they were definately still in the minds of labour voters who thought they were lied to not once but twice by the party they'd voted for for years. i appreciate these were not your points donny but i cant let the subject of brexit and labour party promises slip by lol
Exactly the TORY government decided on having the referendum. They also said it was advisory, not necessarily that 51% of whatever the turnout was would carry the day. Then you get the PM that called it resigning and leaving the mess that we're still in.