Quite agree. When it all started they were crying out for Boris to call lockdown and as soon as he did they are crying freedom. Leave the bloke to sort it. It doesn't matter which political party you support , the bloody stupid press think they run the country and all there editors and whatnot that ask questions after the daily briefing must be either thick deaf or just plain stupid they ask questions that have already been asked. It's the same they mean over the deaths in care homes we know it shouldn't happen but they blame the government for everything and it would have been the same under, labour, liberals or anybody because over 90%of care homes are privately run, they charge the earth and supply nothing, I have had experience of them. All they are out for is profit not the care of the elderly and infirm
Yes they needed the DUP, but they had them (bought sand paid for with your taxes), the current PM was amongst the Tories that voted down the bill more than once. But y’know labour blah blah.
They already had a working majority, but decided on an unnecessary election - an idea that backfired on them. At that point, they chose to waste taxpayers' money buying the support of the DUP in order to stay in control.
my Facebook feed is full of right wing tories getting angry at the press. The same people were shouting about press freedom, quoting the press and generally saying what a wonderful job they were doing at the last election. Strange that.
but labour..... but corbyn...... Things wouldn’t have been different from the starting point, the conservatives dealt themselves that hand though, not labour.
whilst being a valid point as it’s true the voters were quite happy to vote Tory despite them also lying. Which then renders your point inadmissible
I’m sticking to the fact YOU said it was a lie that conservatives had a majority. It’s false arguments and cases put forward like this that always muddies the water. As previous poster on here said Labour backtracked 3 times on EU referendum. But it’s always Torys Torys blah blah blah to blame where some people are concerned
The conservatives bought a working majority on which they did loads of business. they couldn’t get Brexit through because Tory MPs voted against it. you can wibble all you like, but BoJo and his mates p1ssed on TMs Brexit deal, it was in their gift. if you were at all interested in the truth you could find the full list of Tories that voted against or abstained. IIRC TM even unsuspended some Tories who’s broken the law, in order to get it through. Amongst the Labour MP’s who voted with the government was Caroline Flint, the local Brexiteers repaid her loyalty by replacing her with a Tory at the last election. Just for a picture of how dumb these folk are.
Questions yes....assumptions with no evidence or factual details no....phone tapping or using huge sums of money to procure stories from " a friend of" or "a source" no... yes some stories broken by reporters are vital but are based on fact...
They did have a majority , they had more MPs than any other party even without the DUP . BOJO ,JRM among other Tories voted against Mays deal , if Tories hadn’t voted against her she would have got her deal through so I don’t know what your argument is . Your right about it’s always the Tories though but then they are on Govt so who else could it be ?
Ive no truck with criticising private care homes, although from what I understand many don't make much profit (and nor should they imo), but there's still many run by the local authorities which are chronically underfunded because the government has actively chosen to underfund social care for the past decade. Had the Tories not had austerity as theiriideological policy for 10 years their own outcome would now be completely different. Citing 'nothing would have changed if anyone else would have been in charge' is giving a free pass to those in charge. It's odd that some Tory supporting Barnsley fans can see and critisise an 'underfunded football team', but can't see the same issue in the Healthcare sector.
Sorry Marlon, opposition had more MP’s than conservatives-fact All I hear from you is blah blah blah blah Torys are sh*t blah blah blah
I said the largest party ,DUP were the conservatives of NI anyway . Are you saying that no Tories voted against mays deal , May had a majority and as such we’re allowed to ask for DUP for assistance in getting through policies to enable a working majority in govt . The fact her own MPs voted against her Brexit deal meant it couldn’t go through the opposition would have had no chance of stopping it going through if it hadn’t been for BOJO and co .
no it doesnt, labour's promise of a referendum and subsequent election victory was on the back of false and broken tory promises on the subject,these voters left the tory party after being lied to. Blair knew the promise of a referendum was an election winner and this is why he championed it,much in the same way as Brown used it again after the lisbon debacle. these two pillocks, through their lies then let Cameron and the tories in, who again promised a referendum, only this time they carried out the threat. the tories only once got away with lying about a referendum, after maastricht,the following election (1997) saw them hammered at the ballot box
Blah blah Here’s the voting https://ig.ft.com/brexit-exit-deal-vote/ 5 labour MPs voted with the govt, over 30 torys and the 10 DUP MP’s voted against, It’s common knowledge that the DUP had literally taken a bribe to support the government, so that’s either disappointing or embarrassing, but it’s tricky to blame Labour when many prominent Tory’s voted against the government.
So the tories still lied and got away with it, but in your eyes labour didn’t. Alright then. Anyway I don’t think the referendum and the sh1tshow which became brexit was as all encompassing as you believe it to be. Blair and Brown didn’t ride to glory because of Tory EU skepticism, infighting and the promise of freedom from those nasty Europeans who were picking on good old Great Britain.
trouble is donny most folk havnt got a clue who their mp is and vote according to which party they prefer which is why the 'dumb' local brexiteers gave her the elbow. there was only a handfull of labour mp's willing to vote for brexit so electing caroline flint and the rest of the handfull would never have got brexit through so for most voters voting labour was a no no.This is what happens when you simply dismiss a referendum result in favour of the minority who voted remain,a 48% minority but a minority none the less. These 'dumb' brexiteers for decades had voted labour time and time again, so before you consider branding them in this way in the future you would do well to remember that the labour party will need these 'dumb' voters if they are ever to get elected again
the tories only got away with it because their initial promise was the first one on the subject, the electorate at the time didnt know they were lying which is why at the following election they lost. you may not think blair and browns promises were that influential, i beg to differ and incidently, most of the tory infighting in the mid 90's was over maastricht, this is why Blair seized the moment to ply us with the promise of a referendum. Had we been given one when blair promised us one then imo the margin of victory would have been much greater as many who voted in 2016 wernt even around when the masstricht treaty hit the commons,The tories at the time were lucky to survive what major did
Thing is I disagree with just about every assumption you’ve made. All my family and close social circle know who their MP is, I appreciate I don’t know ‘most’ people, but you can’t be correct to assume most don’t know. if Labour had backed Brexit, who would most Labour voters vote for. Again we’ve argued this before but I believe all the polling that was done that has Labour voters as being >60% remain. Even if it was 50/50 (like the country) it’d have not got them elected. If they couldn’t keep a handful of Labour Leave MPs, they’d not have Elected hundreds. For years I believed that the EU would be the death of the Tory party, never thought for a second, it’d actually kill off any chance of labour getting elected till it was done, but that’s the clear outcome. what we all have to realise now is that the next election will be post Brexit and post Covid, it’s as clean a slate as it’s possible to get, and we can only hope we do the right thing like we did after the war.