The 'guidance' is just the same bumbling nonsense that floats about in his pithy little head. He's out of his depth and trying to please the right wing corporate MPs who want to frogmarch people back to work. My wife is terrified this morning.
I think in a way you’re right in that he’s trying to please every element, but he’s ended up pleasing no one
Laura doesn't want me going to work using public transport after the latest announcement but there isn't much else I can do being a key worker with bills to pay.
Rotherham to Pontefract. It's a walk into Rotherham, train from Rotherham to Wakefield, train from Wakefield to Pontefract and walk to Pontefract Hospital.
Arse. To ignore key workers getting to work on public transport given the likely increase in usage is just bonkers.
He's already knocked my 5:51 bus from Greasbrough to Rotherham off hence the walk into Rotherham. If I didn't walk I wouldn't arrive at work until 10:30am.
I’m installing infra red technology on our entry doors if your temp is above a certain level it will prevent you accessing the building and send an alert to your manager who will then help organise a test.