...and not giving clear instruction but when you have morons like these would people take much notice anyway.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-52608454 You don't need clear instruction to know that partying, being d&d, fighting, attacking police, spitting and coughing on them is wrong, just some basic intelligence, common sense and a sense of civic responsibility. Authorities: Damned if they do and damned if they don't. On one side businesses wanting everything open and sod employees and people's safety and many people 'banging on' about "personal freedom" and infringing on their "human rights". On the other hand,we get people moaning about living in a "nanny state". I have even seen social media posts comparing the UK to a Fascist state. You don't need clarification to know what is right and what is wrong in the current situation. Given the complexity of modern society everybody's situations and circumstances are different and so there are bound to be grey areas. If the Bojo had been absolutely rigid in his advice and instigated 'blanket' rules many people would have found themselves on the wrong side of any divide. Some on here have gone overboard in criticism of last night's broadcast instead of waiting for details to be announce in the HoC today. It wa obvious from the outset, last night was just an attempt at morale boosting and trying to get people to do the right thing. Clearly, looking at those muppets in Bolton, the message will struggle to get through. Holding the Govt. to account is one thing. Blaming them for everything that has gone wrong in managing all aspects of the Pandemic when you have a proportion of the population undermining the sacrifice made by the majority is, IMO, simply wrong.
Just on this one point. He said last night that he was encouraging people to go back to work, he didn’t set a date on it like he did with the unlimited exercise from Wednesday so we can only presume he meant from today. That gave people around 14 hours notice (through the night) and was before the details are to be announced in the HoC at 2pm. Why did he not say this was from Wednesday when all the guidance could have been seen by then? He left thousands of people in a panic and state of confusion last night and it could have been avoided.
Just because a minority won't play by the rules it doesn't make putting clear (which it hasn't been throughout this) advice out to the majority pointless.
Basically from what I gather. Today I can book Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off work. Contact my parents who haven't seen George for two months. Arrange to meet them in a park in Scarborough and travel by public transport telling anyone who queries it we're out for exercise.
People aren't just going to rock up at work this morning without speaking to bosses to check that they are open. I'm sure they'll be plenty of discussions with employers and employees about returning to work in the next few days as long as its safe to do. Like tekkytyke sez, lots of grey areas, every business is different and will require differing approaches.
He was due to give the speech Thursday but changed to sunday as didnt want to ease any lockdown rules before the bank holiday. Well the british public really excelled themselves and I think it was the worst weekend for breaking the rules from what I saw with my own eyes. With the stupidity of the public mixed with last nights speech I can see another wave of this coming.
I’m sure they’re not too but there were a lot of people at home alone listening who were scared and stressed and thinking that might be expected to happen. Ministers are out in force this morning now saying it’s from Wednesday. All it would have taken was for Boris to have made that clear.
Problem is, by giving a mixed message, he just gave the 'morons' an excuse to behave any way the want. Parks will now be full of teenagers all 'sunbathing'. I just can't see any positives out of what he said yesterday. Why do people suddenly need to go sunbathing, what as a country do we gain? He's just muddied the water, for no gain, would have been better if he said noting. He's done it again this morning. Last night, he gives one clear ... 'anyone entering the UK will be quarantined for 2 weeks'. Now it turns out that people from France & Ireland are exempt ... why??
I didn't watch last night but everything I've read says that it's people arriving by air that will be quarantined so as you say those using other means to arrive from France will be exempt. I hope to come back on the shuttle before too long and I'll then be self-isolating because I think it's the right thing to do but it's not and to my knowledge has never been government advice. Edit: I see what you're saying - air passengers from France will also now be exempt. I suppose that makes sense if they're allowing people through the tunnel without quarantine, although as I say I'm not sure why they're doing that either. The area I'll be coming from is one of the clearest in France (although contentiously it's in the red zone because some figures are currently taken regionally and we're lumped in with areas miles away that are bady hit) but I'll obviously be travelling through worse hit areas, albeit without stopping, so it seems right to me that people in my position should be asked to self-isolate / quarantine on arrival back in the UK. It shouldn't be my risk assessment to make.
Cos Macron said were letting Brits into France without quarantine but wont do if you impose quarantine rules on us. So Johnson said ok then, fair enough, basically.
Because you can walk across the border from Ireland? In fact, some houses have parts on both sides of the border. Not sure what the arrangements are for entering France or Ireland - are passengers that land at Dublin or CdG quarantined, or can they jump on a train and cross into the UK?
He's supposed to be a leader. He should lead. Not suppose that people should have enough common sense to know what they're doing. I know that many people are either unwilling or unable to make these decisions on their own - this last weekend has shown that, why doesn't he? He should lead.
Piers Morgan had a good rant this morning much I agreed with, apart from when he said about government not supplying care homes with ppe. No piers about 90% of the care homes in the country are private charging big weekly fees to stay there. It shouldn't then be for the government to supply staff with ppe.
The statement was ok for anybody with half a brain and some common sense.Some people just love moaning
It's deliberately vague so if there are any issues or a second spike they can blame the public for misinterpreting the guidance. They're pre-emptively abdicating responsibility via tactical fudging.