Rubbish. The younger generations always take the flak regarding rule flouting, when in reality the truth is it’s people who are old enough to know better doing the vast majority of the rulebreaking.
Could you explain what Stay Alert means please? Staying Alert is what a keeper should do when facing a set piece in the 90th minute.
Repeating myself but a second "total lock down" is coming. The PM told people to avoid public transport last night. I reckon it will be knocked off after the second spike.
I think the reason he didn't put a date on it is because he is referring to a lot of businesses that chose to shut themselves. So because they have actually been allowed to be open the whole time it wouldn't make sense to give a date they can open.
The worry is if we have to do it again I wouldn't expect to see the same level of furlough. A lot of businesses chose to shut that government said could remain open. I can't see them being willing to pay the furlough again. So expect more people out of work in the months to come.
Of course. That's a consequence of having incompetent leadership. It's like having a 10 year old running a nuclear fusion reactor. Whatever he does it's going to spell disaster. Unfortunately our "leader" isn't too dissimilar to a 10 year old.
Nobody is blaming them for "some idiots in Bolton" - this is just your usual level of strawman nonsense. They're being blamed for a poorly thought out, contradictory, badly directed message about what the next steps are. How do you think health workers are going to feel boarding trains and buses with significant number of other people? You might read this, but you said you'd blocked me so *shrug*
How do I go on. I've had 6 weeks off work through isolation and having suspected Covid 19. Hospital management and unions have said there might be some sought of amnesty regarding people ringing in due to Covid-19. However, they aren't testing staff for the anti body to know if they've had it. Does that mean if you present symptoms again you isolate again etc? If it does I can see lots of NHS staff on the dole soon through breaching sickness allowance.
But his instructions were nothing of the sort and have been contradicted this morning by many ministers in many interviews.
Well I think the gist of it was "we didn't expect or tell all these works places to shut. Get back to work we can't afford all this furlough"
Even if you have had it, they cannot guarantee that you are immune or how long that lasts. They also cannot guarantee that there are no long term-health effects associated with infection - and won't know for the long-term. Even something innocuous like HPV, where 90% of those infected get no symptoms has serious long-term health issues that mean around 800,000 young girls are vaccinated against it every year.
Second time I’ve seen this argument and it is without doubt the most ignorant, ill informed piece of nonsense I’ve read in this whole debacle. You should be ashamed of yourself
So millionaire carehome owners have no responsibility to keep there staff safe who many they pay peanuts, it's all down to the government to provide ppe to private care homes? Behave
If people really thought they should just turn up at work this morning without any word from their employer then I'm surprised they managed to get a job in the first place.
HPV is transmitted form the skin around the genital area. Massive problem because it can be caught even using a condom. Only way to beat it totally is to abstain from sex. If you get it you can't be sure from which partner it came from. Unless they show visible warts noting can be done. Virus is a ******* for women as it leads to cervical cancer in later life if they miss their smear tests. I don't think the NHS do enough where it is concerned because they encourage patients not to disclose they have had it because of risk to quality of life of that patient.
In normal circumstances I agree, but these are not normal times and the Government are struggling to get PPE, so I am not sure how small private care homes can compete with our Government sourcing the products. In times of crisis it lands on the Government to protect its citizens.
It can also lead to anal, penile and other genital cancers (different variants). But the point was that something that is seen to be harmless in young people (like COVID), can have devastating effects later. Image 1% of infected kids developing lung or kidney problems in 20 years time as a result?