Following this post, and numerous others before it........ Corbyn's Law: This is identifed as the amount of time before an internet discussion ends up, blaming Jeremy Corbyn, or citing him without evidence as being likely to have: made a worse job of handling an event which he had no part of. This strawman only exists as an argument to deflect criticism of the person or people actually responsible.
Corbyn's done he has no relevance to what's happening now. The only relevant thing is the government that is presiding over this catastrophe.
I agree with you. However, standard response from Boris’ supporters tends to be ‘imagine what would’ve happened under Corbyn’. Not a Corbyn fan at all but he couldn’t have made a bigger fiasco of this than old Boris!
Boris’s law if Corbyn was in charge. 1, We promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 2. We will take care of all the more susceptible in society. 3. We will treat the next pandemic with the greatest respect. 4. We will learn from labours mistakes. 5. We will be clear on the strategy. 6. We will not make the vulnerable suffer to clear the debt created. 7. We will put the NHS in the hands of the public and not privatise any of it . “Promise” Me “Wake me up before I go go”
it’s a pointless debate coz no one will ever know what Corbyn would have done so to say he would’ve done it better is pointless. I will say though that the tories have made a mess of this. Last night’s announcement was always going to throw up as many questions than answers due to the complexity of the situation. Difficult situation for any government/country and yes, some have handled it better than others.
Just seen you've liked my post when I said I was laughing. Not the first time by a long chalk. You make me laugh a lot. Thank you.
Very nice of you to say so. The feeling is mutual. I do enjoy a good chuckle, so thank you too. (I'm expecting someone to post "Jeez, get a room" or something along those lines. Just ignore them.)
Given that Corbyn was calling for a lockdown a week before we had one could you explain your reasoning?