I am 31, in 13 working years I have seen 2 recessions. I am on the property ladder (despite austerity) thanks mainly to a generous family donation. I am now sat with a mortgage worth more than my house, and my Mrs will prob lose her job. I have a 0.2 per cent chance of dying yet I’m expected to sit tight and lap up whatever misery comes next so that old Roger down the bowls club might make 84 rather than 82.
There's an irony in some people complaining about the restrictions whilst citing the low number of deaths of young people who've been living under those same restrictions. Granted the numbers wouldn't be at the top end of the mortality rate, but you would have significantly increased the number of young dead people had those restrictions not been in place.
Your 2 posts up to now have probably been the most disappointing I have read on here. I have to go to work on the wards in the nhs. My wife (post cancer and only in her 40s) is at 'severe' risk if she contracts the virus. I live at the side of some woods. I havn't yet come across any gangs of pensioners boozing but have on my days off come across gangs of youths (I truly appreciate the effort made by so many younger people though as I fully understand the need to protect the nhs).
Let me try and use an old person reference for you... you know when they used to say women and children first on ships? Well you are the men and we are the children.
Apparently life is cheap to some on here, who the fk are you to say whose life is worthless and who is old! People work a long time to enjoy some quality time in retirement, people live a lot longer now and if they are slightly lucky very meaningful. What’s age got to do with it anyway? a lot of older people live more worthwhile lives than some of the younger end so who the hell are you lotto write them off, folk like Captain Tom for instance.
If you walk into the District General of most hospitals canteens youll find several Drs nurses and staff sat around tables chewing the fat. No social distancing but yes Id give them all a massive pay rise from the taxes I hope to earn. Using the word NHS doesn't automatic joker an argument.
We get the deaths from Covid-19 every day. We know how many young people under the age of 25 have died. We'll not get the statistics for suicides and murders and just going missing during this period for another couple of years. For that age group, and taking away the base figure, the average, those excess figures are going to dwarf the number of deaths from Covid-19. Bookmark this and come back to me on it.
Can't decide if you're a WUM or as disgusting an individual as your words suggest but i'll leave them to define you. To those on here of a similar viewpoint but who are a lot more intelligent than you I'd just invite them to have a look at what you've posted and see what their arguments are when stripped bare.
There you are kids, we've wiped your arses, cleaned up your puke, fed watered clothed and sheltered you, provided shoulders to cry on, money to spend when you've been short...so now you can finally stand on your own two feet we'll just f,uck off and die shall we? Thanks a bunch.
Yes cos you need them to keep the wheels turning til you need your arse and probably face wiping. Its the circle of life.
Oh and one final thought for all the granny haters....one day it's YOUR turn to be a worthless old git. Good luck wi that.
There's a big difference between losing possessions and losing yours or a loved ones life. You can rebuild your finances you cannot bring the dead back to life.
Not the point at all, no one wants anyone to die (despite what churtonred thinks.) The point is that older generation shouldn’t expect what they are asking of the younger generation... If you needed a new kidney to survive would you take one from your child? You are asking the younger generation to make sacrifices to their quality of life to prolong your already long life. Then people become outraged when we don’t roll over and have our bellies tickled