as just said on national TV that I and the people who live in my house my wife, daughter and son can go to the park from Wednesday for a picnic as long as we keep to social distance rules next to strangers but if members of my family who do not live with us are already there we should go home. So we can be amongst total strangers whilst maintaining social distance but not family members. You couldn't make this **** up you really couldn't. Boris old chap you speak complete and utter ******** every time you open your cake hole
The reasons the guy asked the question doesnt matter the rule and Johnsons answer are nonsense why is it ok to sit in a park with complete strangers whilst observing social distance rules but not with members of my family who don't happen to live with me. It's utter utter nonsense
No it's not....the idea behind lockdown is to stop people physically mixing and spreading the virus, in a perfect world we could do that, but the questioner was well aware that Johnson couldn't say yes it's OK, because everybody who fancied stretching the lockdown rules could use the reason that they really had no idea half the family would be there at the same time. The Police around me are already having a tough time trying to stop large groups having parties with all mates invited...switch that to the park with all the kids running round like labrador pups with their cousins they haven't seen for weeks and it's potentially a recipe for disaster. If everybody was grown up, sensible and careful we could all meet up...sadly they are not.
Makes perfect sense. You aren't going to observe the 2m rule with family with all the will in the world but you are with strangers.
It is even more nonsensical that you can sit on a train wearing a facemask because social distancing isn't possible, but you couldn't put a mask on and go and visit relatives sitting 2m from them. I think the issue is that what we all have to do is exercise common sense. I saw a TV interview yesterday with some woman tearing herself apart because she wasn't socially distancing from her mother who has terminal cancer. Her reason for not doing was that she was her mother's only carer and her mum can't cope with out her. Of course she has to go and care for her in those circumstances, she shouldn't need someone in government to tell her that! But she really was genuinely upset about it. There's so much the Govt have got wrong, but at the same time it does seem to me that there are large swathes of the media and the Country who are itching to find confusion when its not *that* confusing.
The big problem has been that the message came out in dribs and drabs with media conjecture, then Boris waffled on for 20 minutes saying not very much, then Rabb had to confirm work should start Wednesday not Monday etc.. Some people won't have listened to anything than heresay and the leaked press stories, let alone picked the bones out of anything else. Concise messages and their delivery are so important, but they made a complete mess of it.
I think there's a bit of nit picking going on with the clarity. The application of common sense from the public shouldn't be too much to ask. However i was looking earlier at a list of countries by population. We are the 22nd most populous country on the planet. We have the second highest death rate and, despite the ravages of Tory policy, a health service superior to a lot of the countries bigger than us on that list. Whichever way you slice it it makes a damning indictment of the way the crisis has been handled in the UK.
But we don’t have the second highest death rate per million. Sweden currently has the highest in Europe. And people on here were applauding Sweden’s approach. Belgium are next, then us. There is also the issue on how correct some of the data is. Are people actually counting them correctly, but that’s a whole different argument... I’ve also read about different strains of the virus, where some are more destructive than others. I’m not sure we’re measuring apples with apples. That said, the mixed messages are going to give us people interpreting the rules for themselves. And the less intelligent who’ve already been bending them, will pretty much think it’s all over. So get ready for another spike.
Repeating myself but VE day will contribute to a spike. Nowt no surer. This ties into what you've just raised about data. The VE day f cuk fest will blur that data now the new measures come into place tomorrow. We won't know if it is the rise in people using public transport or inappropriate behaviour regarding social distancing.
Not quite correct for the data we currently have. Belgium is the worst followed by Spain, Italy, France, UK, Sweden. (I've left out San Marino and Andorra as their populations are tiny) Belgium has been pretty 'generous' in how they count Covid compared to elsewhere.
The rules are now such that it is perfectly legal for my daughter living in Wales to drive to a park near us and meet us as long as we stay 2m apart (if she could drive and had a car), but we cannot drive to meet her in a park near where she lives.
I was using a the daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million- 3 day rolling average. Lies, damned lies and statistics eh? All of these figures are based upon whether the deaths were diagnosed.
I don't like the way that deaths are reported. Like yesterday for instance. It isn't an achievement that 210 people died. 210 still lost their lives. That's the thing with statistics. It's easily forgotten that 210 people won't be seeing their families again.
I intend to report my next door neighbour to the police tomorrow. In accordance with government advice, he’s planning a picnic in Locke Park tomorrow but let it slip that he hasn’t got any scotch eggs. THIS IS AN OUTRAGEOUS BREACH OF THE GUIDELINES. How on gods earth can it be a picnic without scotch eggs!!!