BBC Breakfast presenter, Minchin has absolutely let Hancock off the hook in an almost criminal fashion. She asked him if care home residents had been sent back to their care homes after leaving hospital with the virus. To paraphrase, he said yes, but it was before the virus ran through the homes like a dose of salts. She didn’t ask him if he thought that sending them back actually caused the rapid spread. Pathetic interviewing. No wonder the government allows MPs to appear on BBC and swerve Piers Morgan.
She's a lovely person, but she has the interviewing skills of a kipper. To be fair to her, that's not really why she's there, she's a presenter first and foremost. Tis annoying at times though. On a related point, is it just me or is there some friction between Naga and Charlie? They always seem to be on the verge of a full blown row.
I’ve noticed what I’d describe as a bit of ‘irritation’ between them in the past. I tend to watch GMB now, I think Morgan is a poor interviewer also, but for the opposite reason, his over aggressive style puts the interviewee on the back foot and encourages them to retreat into their shell so to speak.
That did cross my mind. A love-hate thing, maybe. The 2m gap just emphasises the friction. Like they've had a right old bust up.
There’s friction between Naga and a lot of people. She always comes across as a bit of a superior/stroppy cow to me.