Agreed he does actually seem a genuine bloke. Problem is he's dishing out cash like water, folk will always love that. Let's see if he's well liked when he calls in the debt. I hope I'm wrong, and he found that money tree the Daily Mail said Corbyn had on his allotment close to the IRA terror training camp and weapons dump.
I agree they got the furlough scheme correct. The initial lockdown was at least 2 weeks too late and didn’t go far enough, in my opinion. It should have been a 4 week FULL lockdown (supermarket rules in place, only key workers, actual key workers, or work from home allowed, everyone else furloughed) with quarantine on people entering the country. We would be in a far better position now. It is what it is though.
Funny how it goes deathly quiet when the Tory voters are asked to state what they think has worked well. Even when given a hand with suggestions by the non-Tories (furlough and Sunak being examples). Nothing whatsoever in the tank other than "what about Labour/ Corbyn" or "oh yawn, more Tory bashing". Genuises. Either that or they ignore any reasonable questions put to them completely.
The chancellor has explained everything he's done in a clear and concise manner - whether you agree with his politics or not. He answered questions about the Furlough Scheme intelligently and simply, and seemed to act quickly to put it in place (although having not used it, I couldn't confirm this). When he spoke, we didn't think "What does that mean, what is he on about" - we understood him. As for the rest of them? They aren't worth a wnk.
Agreed. I’ve said it a few times now that the Chancellor is the only one in Westminster (on any side) that I actually trust now when he speaks. I used to like Jess Phillips, but she goes off on one a bit too often for me. I know she’s not in Westminster, but sturgeon speaks well, eloquently, but she pushes her agenda too often for me in times when it’s counterproductive. Further afield, Merkel speaks really well, especially when it comes to the virus, you can tell she’s got a scientific background. Bernie Sanders I respect, but I think he’s unelectable in the US, despite him being probably closer to Centre-Right leaning in the rest of the western world, he’s too left wing for the US.
No, it's exactly the opposite. The OP may have posted his question with his tongue in his cheek, but the question is still a valid one. It's an opportunity for people to give examples of things the government have got right so far. One or two replies have had a stab at it. I'm a bit surprised that you haven't picked up the baton and run with it.
Yes, Sturgeon is a leader. I like how she's said that the government's message is rhubarb, and her message remains stay at home and safe lives.
I have a lot of time for Jacinda Ardern, personally. We should have just scrapped the lot and followed whatever she has done
Thing is he’s popular for dishing out Socialist policies to an extent and coming from a Tory govt there’s gonna be a payback later and that’s where we’ll see who they care about .
"My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters." - Boris Johnson “What a relief it must be for Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies” - Boris Johnson “Orientals ... have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole.” - Boris Johnson “Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3.” - Boris Johnson “Outrageous that married couples should pay for ‘the single mothers’ desire to procreate independently of men” - Boris Johnson
i believe we should have had armed forces on the streets enforcing the lockdown like they had in Italy and Spain
Now, you see what has happened with an actual matter of life and death, how can you be so sure that the Tories have not made all of the same mistakes, miscalculations and lies on policies that aren't a matter of life and death...
I'm a labour man and a corbyn voter, if a corbyn government had handled it as bad as these idiots I would have been embarrassed that I'd voted for him just as I was after voting for blair. I would be hammering him every day.