Thanks. That surprises me just as much as the age of the victim. It must be the CCTV which is deceiving.
The video is a recording of the screen showing CCTV, it isn't an accurate representation of the actual quality and even on this quality I can easily tell that it's Jodie and her mates.
Yes two of the people named in the video, definitely have previous hope someone catches up with these scumbags while on bail.
I have a mate who installs cctv and is incensed when people video the screen to share. You know of these people then? I take it they are well known for such things....
Yes but we need to look into their backgrounds, their upbringing, their mental health, all manner and measure of things, to see why it is that they behave in such a manner, before we condemn the individual rather than the behaviour. Don't we?
Yes they're a gang of dirty little scruffs who live on princess street and hang around the town terrorising people and causing trouble. And yes I agree with your CCTV installing mate. Its fair enough sharing the screen for humourous purposes but when you want to identify someone do it properly.
The 1st time yes: that's why we have court reports and probation services. The 2nd time yes it's on-going. The 20th time? All avenues exhausted. There are a multitude of reasons why people commit crime. This for me was gratuitous though. A feral gang boosted by numbers. They could have simply taken his phone off him. They chose to brutalise him physically and psychologically instead.
Just wait till you hear the mitigation speech by the defence solicitor, and the in depth report from the probation officer. They'll have been born into abject poverty with learning difficulties with an abusive father who naffs off. Unable to cope with school, might well have been in care from time to time. Early life of petty crime rendering them unable to secure employment before their unfortunate substance addiction. Still, they need to be kept out of custody to maintain contact to their children (with different mothers). Their victim was random and it had nothing to do with his colour (unless there's a sound recording too). It's not a matter of justififying the behaviour. It's a matter of understanding it.
Yes, because that the way we can stop this. Not saying that they need letting off, but if we can find the root we may get rid of the weed.
Cheers for the info ST, they've already been named on facebook as well. Hopefully another bad dose of smack wipes the lot of them out or people catch up with them.