... so take it with a pinch of salt but this article seems to think we’re favourites to go into administration with Charlton & Luton https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/11586182/efl-clubs-premier-league-financial-help/
If Luton and us are in financial trouble i'd to see the likes of Brum, Leeds and Derby's balance sheets. They've picked on the 2 teams with probably the lowest wage bills and who work within the rules.
That whole article is utter horsesh!t. Just a way of filling a back page when there is no sports news. It seems to me that a large number of clubs may be in trouble but I think they just chose the three with the lowest budgets.
Not clicking on the Sun but I'd never forgive our owners if they let that happen. At least Derby fans had Rooney and the playoff final last year. Tbf, Wednesday have had bugger all
They've just looked at the league table and picked out the bottom 3 and assumed they would be in financial trouble! Unbelievably bad journalism.
Possibly the laziest piece of financial analysis ever undertaken on football finances. To quote John Peachey, utter horse *****!! One of the very few clubs with no external debt, cash on balance sheet and one of the lowest payrolls in the championship.
And the lowest net worth Board with the worst track record of providing financial input into the club. The teams that survive this are going to be the ones who have the ownership who are most both willing and able to fund a prolonged period with reduced or no income.
I can’t see is being in trouble atm. We rely mostly on ST money. The stuff at the ground is franchised out and we discourage the pay on the door punter. If and when next season hits I can see is hitting trouble as said above we don’t have owners who want to pump Money in the could quite easily just Fold us.
How did the leap from one of a club wanting an advance payment lead to the conclusion of favourites for administration? As others have said it’s horse **** and lazy journalism. It’s not rocket science to understand EFL clubs want help financially and would like an advance payment.
We should be OK compared to many clubs, but businesses all over the place need to change the way they think. A few months of challenging times and companies are well on the way to being in the poo, sport teams are begging for help and our government are going more into debt to help people out. In the future maybe places won't budget for their entire income every time. Maybe they will put whatever percentage of their annual profit into a rainy day fund so if something bad happens again in the future they are better equipped instead of feeling that every year you have to spend every penny you make.
FFP was designed to level the "playing field", but some Clubs have either found ways round it or have simply defied it in their quest of reaching "the promised land." Unforeseen and unwittingly, along comes this horrible pandemic which if what we are reading comes to fruition, might complete the job that the well intentioned FFP started. As we rely on season ticket sales and the sale of our better players, we will have to tighten our belt but hopefully we won't be as seriously affected as some, whereas if I supported Derby County, Aston Villa or God forbid, Sheffield Wednesday, I would be extremely concerned that along with some others, my Club might not have the fiscal wherewithal to survive.
I think we’ll find out pretty soon that all playing fields are level, but some are more level than others!
This^ My gut reaction when hearing football would stop for a while was that at least we’re financially sound. but no business can survive months of no income; except one that was never going to make money anyway and had been consistently bailed out by a sugar daddy. Here Championship clubs aren’t businesses. I’m afraid Chansiri beats Chien-Lee on that score every time. Whether that’s the right thing or not.
Yes, they really should have foreseen a global pandemic followed by the most extreme interventionist government policies since 1970s East Germany.