Lots of thoughts swishing around my head. Darfield lad and very reluctant to pass a judgement on my fellow man.......BUT.... Been going to penistone tescos in lockdown and today tried asda in barnsley. It was like stepping into an alternative universe . As soon as I walked in confronted by two big fat guys wandering down my aisle aside, wrong way down the one-way system, told em, one way, wrong way actually tensed expected a fight, they just ignored me and carried on. hey ho. Listened to a big pile of dog poo from experts recently about social disadvantaging etc and how this thing affecting people from disadvantaged backgrounds.....simple answer.....they are too thick or too rebellious to obey the rules......either way ....the gov thinks good riddance, advance an argument why they aren't.
It can't have been as bad as Holt Park in Leeds. It was like a zombie apocalypse of old folk coming towards you as you tried to pick up a few cans of mushy peas, only for JP to have to flee to the safety of the alcoholic beverages aisle. It was carnage. R= stupidity x age x lack of giving a ****.
Bloke in Tesco’s at Stairfoot brushed by me going wrong way on toiletries aisle, wearing a suit and tie, he didn’t look like he was from a disadvantaged background. Just an ignorant fecker
Funny you should mention Asda. I was in there today browsing the whisky aisle and there were two blokes shouting knobhead and other insults at each other either side of me. FFS can't a bloke have a bit of peace while he decides which single malt to buy.
Morrison’s this aft ( cortonwood) still queued to get in. But not overly crowded. But:- 1 set up another aisle outside for those need just a few items. ( fast pass) 2 no arrows. 3. Only me in the entire shop and queue wearing a face covering. Scotland are recommending that people wear a face covering in public shops and like. Home made or if like me reusable mask off tinternet. Ist time I’ve been in when it’s only me that’s wearing one. Unlike over the last few weeks where quite a few were wearing em. Av I missed summat. ? The English guidance explanation is pathetic. If I’m going out of my way to protect others ( if I’d got the virus. Takes 24/48 hrs to show symptoms. ) then at least do me the courtesy of you ( the general public) of not passing it on to me cos you can’t be arsed.
Family day out in B&M, loads of kids running about down different aisles to their feckless parents, touching everything, sucking their thumbs, generally getting in the way. Whilst their mothers... looked like sisters, wandering around browsing soft furnishing. It was like it was 2019 or summat.... no wonder the north is now the epicentre. Some people are thick.
If I was told it was mandatory I would. Maybe even on public transport too. Otherwise I can see why people decide not to. It makes people complacent and more forgetful about social distancing. It's in our warm period of the year so after a few seconds of having it on your face is going to sweat. As soon as you touch it either by not realising such as to adjust it or scratch a itch it becomes useless. There also hasn't been any scientific proof about what it could do to your immune system that's built to fight things off and could weaken with the added protection. If I had a underlying health condition or was in the age 60+ age group where 9/10 Covid deaths are I would probably think differently.
I’ve been going weekly to Asda in Barnsley since this started & although there’s been a few bell ends most people have followed the 2 metre rule & followed the arrows until last Monday when it felt like there had been an announcement that Coronavirus had disappeared as loads of people were completely ignoring the arrows & worst of all staff didn’t seem to care. The girl behind the counter said ‘it’s easy to get mixed up though’. Easy to not follow massive arrows on the floor during a global pandemic? It’s all I can think about when I’m there, constantly feel on edge, borderline anxiety.