Wanting to buy a cockapoo puppy, but after researching various websites it's actually quite difficult. So what I have gathered so far is that I should avoid puppy farms but you don't know which ones are, see the mum but it might not be the real mum, don't pay more than £1,500 but prices appear to have tripled recently, get the health checks from the owner, but don't worry if they don't have them all. It's so confusing, so any recommendations in terms of reputable owners welcomed. PS. It's for life not just for lockdown. Cheers in advance.
Got my Labrador from RSPCA at Donny best dog ever brilliant temperament 3 year old when I got her now 7 wouldn’t be without her
I got my feral beast two years ago. Did our research and put several options. Visited the 1st and the puppy we had our eye on in the photos thankfully chose us. The first few weeks and this lockdown have been respective nightmares but i wouldnt swap watching him develop for the world. The fat spoilt ****.
https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/our-centres/ take a look here when they re-open. And here https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/sale/dogs/#
First bit of advice is get a rescue. Second look into getting a dog that failed its training e.g. guide dog, police dog etc. They’re still better trained than most dogs and you get lots of advice and know they had a good upbringing and careful breeding. If you really do feel it needs to be a puppy, make sure you see mum and pups together and interacting, not just a photo of mum or her kept in a different room. Make sure it has been chipped and has proof of early vaccinations etc. As we always got pure breeds we also looked for Kennel Club registration but you can’t get that for mixed breeds. If getting a mix I would want to see dad too to make sure that they are pups of a pure breed cocker spaniel and purebreed poodle if that’s what they are selling them as and not a mix of a mix.
Rescue every time. I've spent 32 happy years with 2 dogs, both rescued mongrels, both lived to 16 years old. First one cost a fiver, second cost £30. Still miss them both.
I've got a cockapoo and hes a fantastic little dog. Anyone who wants to call him names can come and say it to his face. His picture is on my profile so you know what you will be taking on.
It’s not easy at the moment, got ready to look to start looking for another dog after losing our previous one a couple of years ago just before lockdown started. Granted because of personal circumstances our choice is a bit limited this time ( we have always had big dogs previously but can’t manage them now). But, although we would prefer to adopt we have been looking at all options as I searched but things I have noticed. Prices of pups are bloody stupid way up on what they were. Folk expect you to stick a non refundable discount of at least £100 on a pup unseen! I mean how wrong is that! ( also seen in the news thousands have been ripped off for non existent pups but that’s a different issue. People looking to rehome their pets for whatever reasons, are also asking ridiculous money for them. We are experienced dog owners ( had two one lived to 16 and the other 13) and we are struggling to get anywhere , it’s just barmy.
You chose well. I've had dogs all my life and although I was sceptical about a cockapoo when we were buying him I am so grateful that the other half persuaded me. He's absolutely brilliant.
after having two cocker spaniels that died young i could not bring myself to getting another one so went for the cockapoo with a spaniel mother
We joined the Lhasa Apso Club and they recommended a top breeder in Burton Fleming near Brid. Went along saw the pups, and the pair of dogs that had been used to breed. The breeder is a Show judge in her own right and a number of the dogs she keeps have been shown at Crufts. Had our little lad four years now, wouldn't be without him.
I’ve got one too, brilliant dogs. My advice would be not to listen to the ignorant posters in this thread.