Never in my life have I felt more strongly. That I wanted to put my boot through the telly. Teachers will be safe GUARANTEED. FFS. Try keeping year 1 and 6 to follow all the rules. We are following Denmark as an example. Fine. why didn’t you do the same with countries that quarantined folk arriving by air. Don’t get me going on his excuses re care home fatalities. We are following scientific advice. Fine. Where was your common sense. don’t need effing scientists to give me that. The BMA were pointing out from DAY 1. The issues in care homes. Andrew Marr pulled you up. Andrew Neil would have ripped you to smithereens. 1st class moron. They should issue certificates. You would have got a distinction at least .
In other more important news, Starmer bought a field in 1996 which now could be worth a lot. He and his late disabled mother looked after donkeys. How dare he? He's one of them.....people with money doing good with it, hang him, burn him.
Listened to the Education minister Williamson (private Pyke) another one without a clue and has been sacked out of the government before, telling the teachers they are safe to go back to school and the parents that the children are safe but yet many teachers and the teachers union say it is too early. It got me thinking I wonder if these rich Torys with children that send their children to private schools are sending them off to boarding schools I would bet a pound to a penny their not.
You'd think that by the law of averages the Government would get something right by chance - but they haven't - every decision made has been wrong and cost lives. (mentioned on another thread that this 'R' is an artificial construct and totally irrelevant.) They base their 'facts' on opinions - should be the other way round.
I don't think any of the Tory front bench have children in state schools (maybe Johnson, it's hard to keep track). All private, and that sector are not reopening until September. Who knew??!?!?
I like this exchange with the Education Select Committee: Chair: if "good" requires pupil performance to exceed the national average, and if all schools must be good, how is this mathematically possible? Michael Gove: By getting better all the time. Chair: So it is possible, is it? Michael Gove: It is possible to get better all the time. Chair: Were you better at literacy than numeracy, Secretary of State? Michael Gove: I cannot remember.
I’m onside with you, but private schools are opening too on the 1st June, they charge fees so kids in the door = profit!
They’ve already paid, and still will be paid. There are no refunds, so nothing to do with profit. However not many of the top ministers children in any party go to state school. Do as they say, not as they do springs to mind...
It's all about us all dying at the altar of the pound . If they loose a few more thousand then so be it . We all have to go back to work because the banks need their money and getting kids back to school will help with that . Sick world .
Well not quite... There was always going to be deaths; the control measures were to keep the numbers under control. and now the numbers are within the number the NHS can deal with, the government are ready to loosen the rules to allow some more to die and get the economy moving. We’re not the only country doing this; but we’re possibly not the best at it either.
It does raise a good point. When you consider Toby's knackers feed on the Kawasaki thread. Wonder how many of the upper class able to stay at home will send their kids to school. Private or not given that scenario. My son is seriously considering keeping his kids at home. For two or three reasons. The Kawasaki report may make his mind up for him. Would you not agree that our care home residents have been a victim of a type of genocide. It has been like feeding em to the wolves. Only now a priority after the public outcry. Which was obvious from day one.
The interesting thing about this is that while ever schools continue to be shut, it’s propagating the gap between rich and poor. It’s the poorest and most vulnerable with the parents least either willing or able to educate them at home who are the losers from those advocating schools to stay shut until all risk is eliminated.