Dunno to be fair, I’ve only read the BBC’s report of the interview, I didn’t watch the whole thing. Interesting how biased their report is if so - and it wouldn’t surprise me if he did backtrack like you say as he is an utter fückwit. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/education-52697488 ‘Speaking to Andrew Marr, Mr Gove could not guarantee that teachers and pupils would not catch coronavirus.’
Sorry mate No he didn't. if you picked up on the news clip then that would give you that impression. If you can get to watch the full interview then please get back to me with that view. The news clip showed his answer to not being able to guarantee anyone's safety unless they stayed in the house.. stating the bleeding obvious. He was asked about teachers safety in the classroom which I referred to. Not once but three times asked by Andrew Marr using the word Guarantee.
By the way right mate. The clip infuriated me and I was expecting a response like yours. (Understand that not criticising) And was flabbergasted when Andy Burnham didn't use it in his reply to his thoughts on what Gove said. Unless it was edited out that is.
Sorry but no it doesn’t raise a good point. Genocide is the deliberate killing of a group of people. If you genuinely believe the government is opening schools to deliberately kill children that go to state schools then it’s pointless having a discussion.
Makes you think why they even bothered with the lock down if they're ending it early because the Bank of England is getting fidgety.
As a long suffering Labour voter ( although called a Daily Mail reader for saying Mr Corbyn wouldn't win ) I said to ar lass that Gove is the Tory heavy weapon, trotted out when the flack is flying, usually on message, on point and unflappable.....but he looked like a rabbit in the headlights with this one. had he been facing an Andrew Neil or even Mr Morgan he would have got battered out of sight...…….interesting if any paper has the boll*x to print the names of Ministers who DON'T send their kids back to school on day one
We are going to have to open them before the Summer holidays just to see how it is going to operate; what works and what doesn't. I work in a school and can see all sorts of issues that will need sorting out. You can't do it all on paper or a computer screen. Best start with a few students and keep ramping it up.
It was not as I interpreted the message, to the endth degree. Not genocide per say But the message it puts over. Raises a point about the haves and have nots. Its not a word I'd have used in conversation I also know what leaving lambs to the slaughter means in the context I meant a type of genocide. Would you care to comment on on the point I was raising. That would be better than pointless. I too am following government guidelines as far as is practicable. But it’s not foolproof. Just lazy and late. A scientist needs evidence to justify their comments. Doesn’t happen overnight. Common sense does. Your own mayor is not confident enough to send kids back to school at the mo. and when he does given all the scientific evidence he’s happy with along with common sense. Will allow em back. One thing I’m absolutely certain of is, He’ll choose is words carefully. Unlike Gove. I’ve yet to see your comment on the word Guarantee. Or will you find that as abhorrent as Ian’s genocide. You read into it how you would like. Do I believe Ian copied the quote put out word for word. I would imagine he read it the way I did. If he genuinely thinks it’s Genocide only he can answer.
As I understand it, in order to accommodate social distancing at schools, they can only fit in (at most) half the pupils at any one time. Any more, and they would suddenly need to find a lot more classrooms and teaching staff - or abandon the idea of social distancing at schools. So either kids are going back part of the time (mornings or afternoons only - with the problems that entails) or the government are abandoning kids, teachers and the families of both to the hope that they don't become infected - and at least one school in France has had an outbreak with social distancing measures in place.
There's been at least two here: https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/derby-news/two-cases-coronavirus-confirmed-derby-4137660 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-52635611
Don’t know about that. Wasn’t there an MP who fed his daughter a burger, live on TV to show how safe meat was during the mad cow disease problem?
And on the subject of Gove, if you remember his behaviour during the brexit campaign, stab stab stab, and his behaviour in the tory leadership campaign, stab stab stab, then you shouldn’t be surprised by anything he says now. More faces than town hall clock and NO credibility!
I can't wait for school kids who have congregated after school using public transport doing mock "ah hems" all the time and fake sneezes.
This is it. Kids back to school so their parents can get back to work and save the furlough payments.
This. So much this. Before we closed (some of) the kids were finding it hilarious to fake cough constantly 'as they'll have to close school if they think we've got it', not realising that they really might have it and have now just spread it around. They weren't doing it maliciously, kids just think they are invincible.
Everything this government has done has been half arsed. They didn’t lock down properly and now they’re not exiting properly. By trying to please everyone they’ve killed more than should ever have died whilst also crashing the economy. It’s utter madness what they’re doing.
And, according to reports at the weekend, the government need to move their staff back from COVID related work to no deal Brexil related work...
Oh great I’d forgot about that. The annoying thing is the disastrous Brexit impacts will now be hidden behind the COVID impacts.