I’ve had this bad boy years, unfortunately it no longer works, I’d love to get it up and running again but no idea where to send it. It’s just stuck in the attic
Subbuteo was the classic - I had both the footy one and the cricket one Also who reemembers playing Owzthat
Not 100% sure JD, the road section is meant to rotate but it no longer works, I think it’s something to do with the wiring from the battery compartment
Though to be honest I need to double check because it’s quite a while since I tested it, (I took the photo off the internet but it’s identical to mine)
You've checked it's got batteries in right? Are there any signs of corrosion? Any loose wires that need resoldering? Has the motor got any signs of burn damage? Do you have a multimeter to test it?
Definitely not the batteries, To what I can remember the motor is fine, I’m sure the issue is with the battery compartment but I’ll double check tomorrow, unfortunately I don’t have a multimeter.
Get one of these. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Digital-...270574?hash=item4d9dffd3ae:g:95EAAOSwS1JdpgiH I couldn't imagine my life without one now Cheap as chips and I've used it tons. It's saved me an absolute fortune, I honestly believe everyone should own one (no, I don't get commision).
I have managed to live my life without ever having used one of those so come on what is cropping up so regularly in the Jamdrop household that it gets you so excited?
Bought this for my dad’s 86th Birthday in February, but so did my other 2 brothers. Net resultI Is I now own this very game.
What do the batteries/motor do mate, just rotate it I assume. cos as far as I can tell from the photo. It appears to be all linkages.