Backed into a corner with the choice of entirely tanking the economy or paying people and companies they made a decision to pay them. I mean it's not really a high bar you're setting there. Even Trump managed to work that one out...
Lifted off Facebook but relevant to yourself...... According to the polls literally millions of people still somehow believe the Tory government is doing a good job in relation to the coronavirus outbreak. If you're one of these people, please could you tell me which aspect of their coronavirus response you consider the best? ⚫️ Was it Boris Johnson's speech on February 3rd where he talked about his bizarre fantasy of proving the rest of the world wrong by styling himself as 'Superman of Capitalism' to ignore the global pandemic response and keeping British businesses open as usual? ⚫️ Was it Johnson completely giving the game away to a confused looking Phillip Schofield by using pejorative language to attack the idea of doing a "draconian" covid-19 response like South Korea were doing (260 deaths in total!) then using the jovial euphemism "take it on the chin" to describehis favoured strategy of just letting the virus spread like wildfire? ⚫️ Was it when Johnson was pratting around, bragging about shaking hands with coronavirus patients, refusing to abide by his own government's social distancing rules in parliament, and calling the ventilator procurement scheme "operation last gasp"? ⚫️ Was it when the Tories actually put this crackpot pseudo-scientific herd immunity strategy into action. and hard-baked disastrous consequences into our nation's future by suspending mass testing and contact racing on March 13th? ⚫️ Was the interminable foot-dragging on shutdown measures, even after they realised that letting the virus spread like wildfire was going to end up causing far worse economic repercussions than the Test -Trace - Quarantine protocol they had been trying to evade in the first place? ⚫️ Was it their failure to provide adequate protective gear to NHS and care home staff, meaning hundreds of deaths? ⚫️ Was it when they cynically embedded Johnson's henchman Dominic Cummings into their supposedly "impartial" scientific advice group? ⚫️ Was it the absolute shambles of measures for workers that allowed millions to fall through the gaps, and created ludicrous levels of unfairness, which was purely driven by their ideological opposition to the implementation of the far simpler, and much fairer solution of an emergency Basic Income? ⚫️ Was it the way they let the virus ravage care homes, causing tens of thousands of deaths, despite bragging in the early stages that the safety of care homes was one of their main priorities? ⚫️ Was it the way we've surpassed the absolute carnage in Italy and Spain to become Europe's worst hit country, despite having weeks of extra forewarning of what would happen if we 'dithered and delayed'? ⚫️ Was it the way they allowed literally hundreds of thousands of airline passengers continue coming into the UK, many from other coronavirus hot spots, without any tests, or quarantine measures? ⚫️ Is it the daily parade of incompetents and liars like Matt Hancock, Alok Sharma, Grant Shapps, and Rishi Sunak who have turned the daily coronavirus briefing into a daily Tory propaganda drive? ⚫️ Was it the way they cynically fiddled the figures to pretend they hit the 100,000 people tested per day target they set themselves on deadline day, then let the numbers fall back, meaning they still haven't achieved 100,000+ people tested once, over two weeks after their deadline. ⚫️ Was it the Tory health minister attempting to tone police the junior Labour health minister Rosena Allin-Khan for raising perfectly legitimate concerns about the safety of NHS workers? ⚫️ Was it when they replaced the sensible Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives slogan with absolute gibberish like "Stay Alert By Washing Your Hands"? ⚫️ Was it the way that the Tories decided that it's somehow fine for domestic cleaners to move from house to house for their work, but that it's unacceptable to meet more than one parent at a time, even in socially distanced situations? ⚫️ Was it when Johnson evaded parliamentary scrutiny to order people back to work in a North Korea style televised address from the 'great leader', without even bothering to publish the safety advice for employers first? ⚫️ Was it the fact that they published international death toll comparisons every single day for months, but then when we clearly became the worst affected nation in Europe they scrapped the international comparisons, and started chuntering on about how the comparisons they'd been making for months were now somehow "premature"? ⚫️ Was it the way they brazenly politicised the crisis by forcibly taking over Transport for London, loading it up with debt, undermining subsidised travel for pensioners and children, and wrecking Sadiq Khan's pledge not to hike ticket prices with the London mayoral election due next year? ⚫️ Maybe you just like the fact that tens of thousands of people have died prematurely as a result of Tory government policies because you believe that we actually needed a cull of the elderly, the infirm, NHS workers, care home staff, and other essential workers? ⚫️ Or maybe your rational brain has already realised that you made a horrible mistake by endorsing such a malicious, bone idle, dishonest, and incompetent clown to run our country, but your ego won't allow you to admit that you made such a catastrophic mistake, because to admit it would be to admit your own share of culpability for the absolutely horrifying death toll? So which of these aspects is the one that's filling you with with such heart-warming pride and joy at the Tory government's utterly catastrophic handling of this crisis that you actually say they've been doing a good job?
Sorry I thought democracy meant a true election not Facebook polls. Wonder if we can put that into law so this Bulletin board makes up the government.
That's reassured me At least we have put a stop to people entering the country without checks or quarantine
HSE, Barnsley Council, Government, I don’t know which, but I think at least one of these bodies should have told you to put the shovel down on the grounds that you’ve already dug way too deep!!
It's all changed since I was involved Marlon. Back in the day, I would think the Medical Officer of Health for Doncaster or his Deputy, would have been involved in making the decision with Hospital Consultants and any Clinical Staff at the Hospital, who in turn would discuss their recommendations with the patient, their family (if they had anyone ) and the relevant personnel at the Care Home. I don't think for a minute that if they were "diseased", they would have been transferred. In such circumstances they would have been referred to the Isolation Unit at Tickhill Road Balby, Doncaster. My wife's Mum left Hospital after she had a stroke and was transferred to a Care Home for round the clock nursing. My Father in law, my wife, her brother, her GP, Doncaster Social Services , the Care Home manager and a Community Health Doctor were all involved/ consulted at various stages in the discussions. I remember the main focus was on what the families financial liability was going to be towards the 24/7 nursing costs that she needed. As for apportioning blame if a patient with any form of disease were transferred from Hospital to a Care Home, I would say that it should fall on the Clinicians involved in the process because they surely must be aware of any dire consequences their decision could make. I am not a fan of the present Government, but I personally think it would unfair to blame them for any transfer decisions that knowingly affected other residents. In theory, if our hospitals and Care homes had an abundant supply of PPE and the appropriate screening, training and funding were available, it shouldn't matter where a patient is nursed really. Facilities for segregation to ensure that diseases can't spread, should exist in either type of establishment. What this Government can be blamed for, is the systematic year on year cuts in funding to both Local Authorities and the NHS and when this thing is behind us, one would hope that any Public enquiry will home in their shortcomings in their quest to run down Public in deference to the use of Private services.
Cheers for that Donny very informative . What the care homes were implying was that the Govts had told the media that they were forming a protective ring around the Care homes knowing that this wasn’t the case and that patients were being discharged from hospital knowingly with Covid or symptoms of . I think the normal procedures were taken advantage of whilst a more protective situation should have been in place in unprecedented times . I think the govt are accused of lying that measures were in place that really weren’t .
answering a a post not meant for you ? You must be really busy not . It’s ok I’m used to Tory’s throwing toys out and excusing themselves when things don’t go the way they would like . Are you trying to find a Fridge .
Why are some individuals on this board so quick to call it Tory Bashing. Don’t the Tories do Labour Bashing? Or is it different when they do it? This is a criticism of a prime minister who is a stranger to the truth, who makes announcements that have not been agreed with colleagues, or administrations in other parts of the UK. One who denies facts at the dispatch box and doesn’t apologise.
All that maybe true but that doesn't alter the fact that the Tory landslide was won because they lied through their teeth to get it and have continued to lie since in order to try and cover their incompetent handing of the current crisis. You and your cohort of miss guided fools voted in to power a lying incompetent work shy chancer who believes he is PM by right and the country is suffering because of that.
That's since lockdown he was talking about before lockdown but 95000 since lockdown is even worse to be honest
FAO wots //[/QUOTE] Thats between April 1st to April 26th. Then look at what was coming in before. Makes a damn sight more. 18.1 million between Jan 1st and March 23rd. By land sea and air. Doesn't really break it down more than that. PS my brother in law arrived back in the country late March prior to the lockdown. Confirmed Covid week later.
Not my numbers....copy and pasted off Facebook Knew it was higher than 100k from the first signs of trouble but couldn't be ar5ed looking it up Thought 95k and counting was a bad enough number anyway !