One of my mates had that - spent many a happy hour playing it - also this one which I did own - who needs FIFA 20!
Used to have Subbuteo, and I got Barnsley one year and me and my dad made Oakwell. We had the floodlights as well. Try this out if you can!
R remember, twice a week as a kid wed meet up and play board games, my favourite was Escape from Colditz, and another called Campaign. C.O.Y.R.
just because he spent a couple of hours sat in front of the microwave thinking he was watching a cooking program doesn’t mean you can spread nasty rumours about him,
I used to love playing Escape from Colditz - I might even still have it in my loft I know I kept a few games just in case and that and Risk were 2 of them. One of my friends also had a great Lord of the Rings board game which we spent many a happy afternoon or evening playing
I’ve ordered one.... need a clip to attach it to a tool belt though for the full on manly experience...
Had one of these.... the big fly wheel nearly chewed my finger off a number of times.... would never be allowed today! Awesome toy though!!!
I was thinking about ordering a belt too but realised that you need an equally manly hammer to hang from it and didn’t think my pink Betty Boop one would look right
What a nanny state killjoy.....the beauty of all these pastimes is learning from your own apprentice car mechanics who grab the HT side of a 12v car ignition system!!! PS.....only joking.
I just wish I'd looked after my old toys. I had the original Millenium Falcon from the early 80's, Tye fighter and At-At walker. I was given them too young and trashed them. I had all the Ghostbuster's gear too.
Thats the all time classic model - remember using those when I first stated out as a baby engineer. I actually went back to an open day at Liverpool Uni 18 months ago and the first year labs hadnt changed and still had avo meters on the benches along with the old Tektronix CRT oscilloscopes. Havent used an Avo in years though probably not since the 1990's