What are your thoughts on the lies (or incorrect statements and claims) made by Boris though? Also what is your opinion on his racist comments or his comparing homosexuality to sex with dogs?
He doesn't answer questions relating to actual facts, prepare for a Poundland Tim Montgomery / Guido Fawkes response.
Well ST. The jokes you posted on “made me laugh” show you to be a total hypocrite on this. Sexist and the one about you having sex with dogs, make your comment and argument weak at best. I would much rather have Boris and his team, than a party who totally Betrays the vote in a referendum by the people MP’s claim to represent. 70% of voters in Barnsley voted leave, yet all Barnsley MP’s blocked Brexit at every opportunity sticking 2 fingers up at the voters. In hindsight it’s clear that without the betrayal of Labour MP’s to their ‘people’, Boris would never have been PM, so quite frankly it’s Your MP’s you need to be questioning
Still no answer to any of the points raised. Here's a question what do you think to the new immigration bill? A bill that wouldn't allow low skilled foreign nationals who are frontline in this crisis to stay here.
What I think is that MP’s and the Government need to do the job they are paid for. Represent the people of their constituents. If they get it wrong, they get voted out. (Except in Barnsley) I won’t try to do their job, and they hopefully won’t try to do mine
I'll answer that - it's a complete disgrace. On the one hand, we all #clapforcarers on a Thursday. But on the other hand, we want to make it illegal for the carers who talk funny or have brown skin to work over here. I'd love for a Tory voter on here to have a go at explaining that - or how you can support that.
I’ve been no fan of the labour party, not for years, I too believe that labour MP’s sold their constituents down the river on brexit and got the election reaction they deserved as a result. As for Corybn I argued many times in spite of the ridicule and abuse I got for it he wasn't the man to lead the party to victory as has now been proven. However, I equally despair of Boris’s leadership during this crisis, you can’t expect to come on a Barnsley based site and argue against the labour party and not expect to get flak for it - but even people like me who’s beliefs align more with the right than the left these days wouldn't want to try and support the dogs dinner the tories have made of this crisis.
, you can’t expect to come on a Barnsley based site and argue against the labour party and not expect to get flak for it - 60% of the vote in last election did not support Labour. Accept it you are a minority in the real world
Is it really so base as to be about race ? I’ve pointed out routinely on here Fonzie that one of the main reasons I supported Brexit was to regain control of immigration, the remainers belief is that we can but chose not to, when I point out that EU laws prevent us from doing so it all goes quiet. It isn't about race, its about sovereignty, the knuckle draggers are in the minority don’t tar everyone with the same brush.
Exactly this, I'm not a massive fan of our council leader and his cronies. I'll always call out failure and won't flower it up. If this was Labour, Lib Dem, Green or Brexit / UKIP I'd be equally critical if not more if it was Labour. It's the lies, the whataboutary, the spin, the use of the gutter right wing press to attack our public services and teachers.
I’m not a labour voter, haven't been for many years, as I alluded to in my post labour lost the vote owing in part to it’s leadership and betrayal of it’s core voters, the tories were supported as the only viable option on brexit which is what the majority wanted. I doubt after this they’d win with such a majority but I do think they’d win again purely owing to their commitment to honour the brexit vote.
What is it then? On what basis would you deny carers or NHS staff (just an example - plenty of other industries employ immigrants, but these 2 occupations are in the spotlight at the minute) the opportunity to work? If you explicitly state that the base figure is 25k to be classed as a "skilled" worker, yet you know that many immigrant carers and NHS staff earn below this figure, then what is it? Why on earth would you wish to stop immigrants working in the NHS? I get that the control of immigration was the key to the last election, but I honestly see no upside in this particular bill.
And yet again, EU laws do not prevent us from choosing who comes here. They only specify that people that the EEA can move to the UK if they have a job, are studying with health insurance or can support themselves. And people from the UK can do the same - as about 3 million people did. They do not dictate whether (or not) to allow in refugees from Syria or Afghanistan, or how many immigrants from India, China or America we take every year. Our government do that - and most ex-pats in the UK come from outside the EU anyway. All you have done is voted to make it harder for British people to get work outside the country and made us all poorer (in global terms). That is it. Those are the sole benefits of Brexit. Enjoy.
“Tory bashing” is another strap line designed to silence criticism of the government. A few years ago when you criticised ministers living in mansions for introducing the bedroom tax you supporting “The politics of envy”. Similarly if you are critical of Brexit you are “betraying the electorate”, ignoring the fact that 2% is basically a split decision. Parties are now elected on strap lines of less than 5 words (get Brexit Done) rather than credible arguments, because advertising men like Cummings and before him Alistair Campbell know that most of the electorate don’t want to cope with sophisticated policies. It’s very effective and plays into the hands of populist government. On the down side it delivers chancers and snake oil salesman like Trump and Johnson. Of course if you criticise these people you are a “Trump Basher’, or a “Tory Basher”. It’s no substitute for rational argument, but at least it silences opposition to these people. I fear for the future of democracy in an age of technology that allows this to happen.
Stop taking sense it's highly unpatriotic, you're in the minority cos I say you are. You need to understand that Labour won in Barnsley but they didn't really cos 70% of people didn't vote for them. Only Tory election seats won mean anything and if it was up to me they'd be worth double. If it was up to me we'd all do exactly what Boris says, and remember we've now got no freedom of movement. Not the poxy EU foreigners they can move just us, cos that's what we voted for. Movement isn't needed cos Boris wills it.
From my perspective it isn’t because they have brown skin. There’s little doubt that immigration is good for a country where that immigration fills skills shortages and encourages entrepreneurs, when uncontrolled you get Page Hall and it’s residents. As for the immigration bill it’s only at it’s second reading and I’m sure they’ll be amendments made before it’s finalized. My understanding is that the figure will be more like 20k and there’ll be an exemption for those wishing to work in the NHS. It isn't anything to do with skin colour.