The report I saw claimed he had a small stake in a company that manufactures a brand name version in France. I can't find the report now though, as every search only brings up the fact that the idiot is taking it. Funny that.
No idea if it's true or not however, there's still money to be made if you're a manufacturer of generic pharmaceutical products, you just don't have exclusivity.
Maybe ask Moscow Mitch how many of the hundreds of Bill's he wont allow to be read he'll now get through.
Both parties screwed the American people with those supposed bills . Yet again when the virus finally does blow over the only people with money will be the big businesses / banks with prices at rock bottom . How do you think Steve mnuchin made all his money the last crisis ? But history will repeat itself and folk will insist that the only problem is trump and friends . Was it mark twain who said if you don't read the news your uninformed but if you read it your misinformed ? I think it was . Trump's good for business if you happen to be in the news media , that's why I stay well clear of all the red meat that gets dished out on a daily basis .
How did both parties screw over people with those bills? Many of them are bipartisan. It's McConnell that's simply refusing to allow anything with a hint of Democrat to even be read. Remember, this is the man who admitted that he would not be impartial when Trump's impeachment hearings were going on yet refused to recuse himself.
It must be good if it's bi-partisan . That's generally when things get bad in America . As if pelosi is some sort of check to power so vote Dems . A comedy offering if I ever saw one . That it all gets personal ie somehow mich McConnell is the blocker of hope and salvation and vote Dems to stop this is about as childish a narrative as it sounds .
Their both the same churton . Nowhere left to go because the American people are out of options politically . Trump was always the last throw of the dice for many a American voter . To critique that viewpoint has merely cemented the behaviour in those that " believe " in him . Worrying times......