Horses for courses mate, but without having the opportunity, you’d never know. And more often than not, people realise that it’s not so bad, and almost enjoy the adrenaline rush.
I’m not sure what you mean. We’re you scared the first time you rode a bike. Should we not let kids ride bikes who are scared?
It’s awful for them, such a sad way to end an era. I’m not sure sitting alone at a desk 2m apart and being in different classrooms (that will have been stripped bare of everything that can’t be wiped down easily) with different teachers and only half a class will help too much with that to be honest. They normally sit in groups of 6 at desks all together, sharing their fancy gel pens from their pencil cases, playing games at break and lunch, giggling and chatting, doing partner or group work. I don’t know what the solution is for them, they’ve been robbed of an experience that can’t be got back now. The end of year trips, the leavers’ assembly and play, the visits to secondary school, none of that can go ahead.
Absolutely, was just trying to put a why as to the year 6 return. I also suspect it’s because they are most likely able to follow the guidelines....
This is happening right across the board - my daughter finishing her physiotherapy course in York this summer has missed out on a final get-together with her friends etc. Fortunately she had got her 1000 hours of practical study done. The ones that are really going to struggle are the ones finishing?? their second year now - they will have missed a term and it will be difficult to make up the necessary amount of practical work next year as well as the academic stuff. Similarly 'A' level students finishing their first year now have missed a third of that years course work.