Remember him? Blonde haired full back who played a handful of games for us a few years back. He's been released by National League side Harrogate Town today. I've seen them a few times this season and to say he's an ex professional he didn't stand out at all and it didn't really surprise me that they let him go. When they played Pompey in the FA Cup, Ryan Williams ran rings around him. Shame really as he's still quite young and it hasn't really worked out for him.
He was one of the worst footballers I have ever seen, and I have seen some terrible ones. The dwarf kept picking him, though, and he continued to get destroyed almost every game he played. It's not the player's fault. Much like with Odejayi, who was miles and miles out of his depth, it in the end falls on the bloke who keeps selecting you.
I thought he was ok for us as a young lad in League 1 and expected to see him do well in League 2 when he moved to Crawley, was it? It's a shame it's not worked out for him.
Okay. I retract it. George Smith is the best left-back in the history of football. He makes Paolo Maldini look like Tom Kennedy, which is why he has just signed a contract-extension with Barcelona. And Lee Johnson was a professional basketball player before he became a football manager. He's a cross between Rinus Michels and Pep Guardiola, by the way, whilst I am busy heaping justified praise upon both men.
He did. Second-era Wilson was terrible, though, particularly after we went down. According to George Smith's wiki, he played 37 times for us. 37!
He had good games, he had bad games. At the age he was when he played for us I saw nothing to suggest he was going to be a great talent but at the same time I wouldn't have put a solid league 1ish career past him. Difficult to tell at that age.
just been on his twitter, posted and re-tweeted lots of stuff about mental health, hope he o k, must be a shock to lose your job in these times for anyone
Unnecessarily harsh, but I respect your right to have an opinion. Still one of the worst posts I've ever seen, mind, and I've seen some terrible ones.
There must be a correlation. Terrible poster who makes terrible posts is uniquely-positioned to recognise terrible footballers. (And he genuinely was.) If the cap fits, I'll wear it!
Got to say, and I get it wrong an awful lot, I thought he played really well for us. Never had a problem with him, thought he was a good kid. Which is one of the may reasons why I don't work for a professional football club.
I didn't think he was too bad actually, very similar to Ben Williams as in always gave 100% but just lacked that little bit of quality. I certainly thought he'd still be a league player by now tho.
A lovely bloke. Unconvincing as a player though never went missing and was proud to play for us. We have had much worse in fact e currently probably have defenders at the same level such as sure he will be ok he has good family round him.
I’m sure he used to get loads of praise on here. Always thought he was a liability. Bit of a headless chicken. Unpopular opinion, but I see similarities in Ben Williams.
Was interesting to hear Brian Howard talk about Odejayi. He said that John Terry claimed Odejayi gave him one of his toughest games ever. Howard said Kayode was an immense player who just really struggled with confidence. Really is a shame if that is the case.
That doesn't surprise me about Odejayi. He had all the physical attributes needed to be a footballer and occasionally showed glimpses. I also never thought that he was anywhere near as bad as many on here did. He had a lot of very bad luck. As for George Smith, I always thought he was solid. Nothing special, but seen far, far worse defenders for us. Paul Gibbs anyone?