It would appear to be the reason for his visit going by his mum’s take on it.
I hope the Mirror and Guardian have got this lot ready. It's dead easy this diggin dirt malarkey innit.
No way do people choose to live in London. He’s been a senior special adviser for god knows how long, his missus is from the landed gentry and yet where he lives still looks a little bit ****.
Also strange that she was almost romanticising the virus with her daydreams of spending two weeks in bed chatting to her husband and son and didn’t mention a word about Dom’s uncle who’d died from it, that he was really close to. She does mention friends with various symptoms though. Did she not want to draw attention to it? It’s strange that it happened the same day they made the journey but she doesn’t talk about it and how that may have affected their decisions at all.
His sister (Francesca) was born in either April May or June of 1975. So a 1 in 3 chance she was born in April then
Any proof? Not that he went on that date or that his uncle died - I believe both of those hands down. The thing I’d like proof of is that somebody in that family has enough of a heart to grieve for someone else. That’s just unbelievable and I think you should back up your outrageous claims.
Johnson’s stout defence of Cummings is in danger of giving the impression that his unelected advisor is way too integral to the running of the country. How ironic is it that the very same unelected bureaucrat who cited unelected bureaucrats running the EU as a reason to leave is now deemed too important to lose.
when advisers become the story it’s usually tine for that advisor to go. I really can’t get my head around how this prime minister seems to think this is all ok. Do they really have this much contempt for the general public?
I think there’s two problems here. The first one is that no matter what they say, how they interpret the guidelines, how they try to complicate the circumstances etc etc, the public knows bulls hit when it hears it, and just DON’T believe the “defence “. The second problem, and I think this is the bigger one, Johnson clearly doesn’t know about problem one!
Given the reaction to what him and his lot he put out over the last three or four years, who could blame him?