just that ! https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/bank-holiday-beaches-bournemouth-england-18307709
I agree DB3K. But the social distancing should still be observed. The beaches at Brighton and Bournemouth were just plain stupid. But I guess the recent events with Cummins people are thinking sod it and ignoring the lockdown totally now.
In this instance it has the potential to seriously affect us all, even cost us or our loved ones lives
I agree with social distancing but that's it and it need cutting in half and then look to end it completely by sometime in August. It's unnatural and abnormal to have to live long term like that. It will be nearly half a year by that point and even though countries have done their own thing, all their graphs show a similar shape regardless.
latest information shows that only Sweden have done a worse job than us on Covid. I do long term planning for setting up building sites we expect social distancing to go well into next year. There are no quick fixes
With the caveat that social distancing is observed. It clearly isn't in those pictures. That's the part that's ridiculous.
What I'd really like to see are some birds eye shots of these places. They all look packed, but the camera angle could be presenting a slightly distorted picture. Not that I'd visit a beach myself for all the tea in China. Seems like asking for trouble.
Belgium have done far worse than us. I suspect most places will plan for the worse case scenario and hope for better. We are an affectionate country who hug people, shake hands etc. If this lasts all year people will not stand for it. There is no way people won't be hugging and kissing whoever they want when it's Christmas and NYE. Track and trace will hopefully start next week. A vaccine of some sort of working level will hopefully be ready in September. Drugs are being trialed and it looks like today Remdesivir will be used in treatment and it sounds promising for a Coronavirus inhaler for us all to ward off early signs. Deaths/infections will be nill or very low by probably early August. At that point people will want to know how long daily figures have to stay at that level before normality resumes, on the proviso that if infections start to rise again we will obviously go back to social distancing.
"People will do it anyway" is a **** excuse. People need to not do it. There's no good reason not to socially distance for the long haul. It has to happen.
Here you go... Looks pretty close to me. They nearly fall on a child’s sun tent at one point... Sunseekers stunned as mass brawl breaks out on packed bank-holiday beach https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11707174/mass-brawl-bank-holiday-beach-kent/
That's what happens when people feel that they've been taken for Mugs by government. Johnson says the government message hasn't been affected by Demonic Cummings "eye sight Check drive" when he accidentally arrived at a known beauty spot 30 miles away!!!! clearly as with everything else around this saga Johnson has got it wrong and it as adversely affected peoples attitude to the lockdown. Both should resign as their judgement is clearly flawed.
https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-daily-deaths/ 116 deaths announced today by NHS England with just 23 of them yesterday. 6/116 were in the 59 and under age range and most probably had underlying health issues. Keep those at high risk shielded and open things back up for the rest. 8 million operations are waiting to be done and the list will get longer as people start getting diagnosed again. Keep in social distancing long term and Rugby is a gonna. No more west end or other theatres as they won't be able to do plays.
http://ftalphaville.ft.com/2020/05/...aths-would-not-have-occurred-in-coming-year-/ that argument is wrong I’m afraid.
Some Ministers wanting Schools open and not have holidays this year . mmmm tourism or education ? There’s only one way to find out .FIIIGHT!!! unless of course you’re Dominic Cummins Then whatever you do wil be with the fullest of integrity and the right thing to do .