Dunno what that says fella as you have to register. Here is a story from America where a doctor has seen more suicides than Covid deaths....... https://abc7news.com/suicide-covid-19-coronavirus-rates-during-pandemic-death-by/6201962/ 15 Yorkshire deaths out of our huge population, with most dating back over the last month..... https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/hea...th-yorkshire-hospitals-total-rises-15-2864955 Social distancing is inhumane. Everyday life is pretty much social distancing anyway without being told to. We would always give strangers some space when walking somewhere or queuing for something.
That argument would have worked with strict border control and quarantine and testing. However, that never happened. Hence the lock down. The government went form having to impose a few simple measures that perhaps might have offended and played a waiting game. It has horribly back fired as these latest numbers suggest. Had it secured the borders and safeguarded those with underlying medical conditions and the elderly. The lock down might have been over by now.
Belgium haven’t done worse than us. U.K. and Sweden are worst in the world per capita atm. There is almost no chance any sort of tested virus will be on the market this year. The time a second wave is most likely to hit is winter so using the argument that people can’t be arsed is weak. The Govt has just scrapped the app and started again so not much confidence there.
Basically it says from all current modelling around 5% of people would have died so saying that anything like “they would have died anyway” is wrong. There has been no statistical rise in recording suicide in the U.K. though this may change as there tends to be a lag in reporting.
We just need to ride it out now. I think people are looking and thinking that the lock down isn't needed because the number of the key age group for people to get things up and running is falling.
In fairness it’s part of the Govts strategy. Confused messaging so if it all goes tits up it will be our fault not theirs.
Anything that requires people in attendance can be streamed over the internet. Is it the same? no. but it's what will have to happen I'm afraid. The average age of Theatergoers is 52, with the single largest demographic being between 65 and 74. Even if young people are allowed to go back to normal, the West End and other theaters will have to move with the times.
So we keep social distancing going all year long just incase a second wave might happen many months from now. The plus from social distancing is the longer it's kept in place, the more those who voted for the Tory party will turn against them. It sounds positive with the Oxford vaccine so if they make that mandatory we will all be getting it this year at some point. Infections were nearly under 2,000 today for the first time in a very long time. It's all looking far better than MSM would have people believe.
I expect the 25% idea to not happen with us selling season passes very soon. AstraZeneca sound very confident for September and they should know. I am under no illusion that the chance of it working perfectly is a long shot. But if it's safe, doesn't damage your organs and stops people from dying that would be enough. The annual flu vaccine doesn't work perfectly in everyone who has it but it protects them and others much better from having it. I see the Covid vaccine in the same way where if you do get it (after being given the vaccine) then it should be nothing to worry about compared to if you caught it now.
Not exactly what I was after, but thanks anyway. Hopefully that kind of incident is an exception. There's a world of difference between a mass brawl and an overhead shot of family groups sunbathing - which is what I was after, so that I could get a real perspective on how social distancing works (or not) on a beach.
You are aware that for four straight days now, they've not revealed how many people were tested, aren't you? So the number of positives being 2,004 should be a good sign, but how do we know they didn't test just 2,004 people? Impossible to read anything into this kind of shared data by the government in general, owing to the fact they're continually proving themselves to be liars and cheats who are above the law of the land, but definitely impossible when even their own shared data is missing so much detail. The ONS has very different figures, as we've seen many times, and indeed today I saw a graph that shows that the excess death rate suddenly begun to go back up. I'd try and find it but like the government, I don't feel I need facts to support my claim. Only joking. Here it is:
Extremely worrying, Weston Super Mare hospital yesterday stopped new patients for a time. I popped out for a few bits at M&S earlier today. I noticed that folk were distancing but not anywhere near as rigidly, distances cut by half and less patience. Corton Wood M&S and neighbouring stores all been great during lockdown, today was the first time I felt uncomfortable.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-abandoned-social-distancing-photos-22087839 It's a daily occurrence already with people losing patient at their human rights being violated by a rule of thumb with no scientific evidence behind it. Depending on the country you are in the social distancing measurement varies so it can't even be agreed on. As we get to the start of summer next month it's only going to get worse.
The only reason we are still in almost total lockdown is because this muppet govt have feked ip on loads of fronts . We should be coming out on an effective track and trace by now , Countries considered third world just a few years ago are miles in front of this lot of chancers that’s solely waiting for their mates to set up Sources rather than the hundreds of firms coming forward with credible equipment . This chancer has grabbed the office solely for his own ends snd means and not to serve the country and people he vowed to . A renowned liar doesn’t change his spots and shame on anyone protecting him .
I don’t know where your stats are from but all the ones I’ve seen say Belgium are the worst of the major countries. EDIT Just seen you’re only looking at the last 7 days. Which is pointless, as that’s partly a function of how far along the bell curve a country is. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
Agree on the whole about the last 7 days but gives us a current snapshot. Saw something today on last month that replicates that model will have a look for it in a bit.
It's going to only get worse. Look at the crowds with public toilets, car parks, shops and arcades all shut.