But is that necessarily out of racism and sexism or out of the historical actions of both? A man is far more likely to be violent with a police officer than a woman is so is being more fearful of a man when making an arrest sexist or simply evaluating the risk based on evidence?
I'm not sure, that's why I went with bias. It's definitely real and a problem though. It means they panic and don't repond appropriately to the circumstance.
That's true but I would say that insurance companies must also be racist and sexist as they also adjust the risk based in race and gender etc.
Because I haven't a clue what point you're trying to make. You're just making accusations of racism and generally as always being completely cuntisn
Is that true? my guilty pleasure is ‘cops on camera’ type shows, and it doesn’t strike me as true that women are less likely to attack a police officer.
I appreciate you sometimes forget what’s been posted. but take a deep breath, go back and read your post that I responded to. Then read my response. none of it is difficult to understand. Someone else has even posted graphs and statistics that are simple to understand. it’s a simple fact that you’re far more likely to die at the hands of the police if you’re a black American than if you’re a white American. it’s not linked to crime and it is endemic in some forces! If you don’t see institutional racism then you’re an apologist for their racism. if you don’t see the difference between the way police deal with unarmed black protesters and heavily armed white protesters, then I can’t help you - but if that’s true it’s ironic you’re the one name calling.
If you do a bit of research I think you'll find that racisim in some police forces, especially in the south, is not only alive and well but is actually thriving
I don't have them to hand but I have read them. Males are statistically more likely to commit violent crime, more likely to be armed and more likely to resist arrest in a violent manner.
It's a self fulfilling prophecy, I feel. Black citizens are untrusting of police, which makes the police more skittish, which makes black people skittish etc etc. I don't know how they get out of it, but they need to.
Fully agree. My main point was that when people focus on skin colour and make it a race thing simp!y because it's a black person involved then all they are doing is making that distrust greater, therefore the police more skittish etc. The energy would imo be far better spent building relationships and telling black people in America that they don't need to be scared. Don't push the message that they should be. Scaring the **** out of them will never end well.
The thing is, it is race based. It’s not that police think of black people as inferior or anything like that, but they are making decisions based on pre-existing biases based on the race of the ‘suspect’ (for lack of a better word) I don’t necessarily agree with stopping people talking about it, I think it’s important that it’s known what police are doing and what they’re getting away with. 99% of police brutality cases do not result in a conviction. That’s absolutely ridiculous and if a few policemen got life behind bars for murder, perhaps they would be a little bit more careful.
Ok But as women are much less likely to commit crime; is it true that the proportion of women arrested are actually less likely to resist arrest than men? (Which was the point)
I agree with that too but is it not murder regardless of the victims skin colour? Isn't that actually the bigger issue here that police in America are too gung ho
black parents feel they need to teach their kids that should they be approached by a policeman they have to behave much more carefully than a white kid. if you were the dad of a black kid you’d do the same. You can argue it’s a self fulfilling prophecy, but victim blaming doesn’t ever win.