If I take a refund on my st for the remaining 4 games BUT renew for next season using the refund am i bad fan for taking out of the club in the first place or good fan for renewing and putting money back in esp if we can't attend for the foreseeable future,or do I just pay the 249 n get the four game Flexi ticket? That's why I posed the question on another thread about there being a option to deduct the 4 remaining games from next seasons price so the club wouldn't have to give refunds.
I reckon you’d be a good fan. Yes, you’re taking a refund but still putting more cash back into the club. I imagine if everyone did the same they’d be pretty happy.
I don't think it defines you one way or the other. People will make a decision for any number of reasons and besides the obvious I don't think there are any wrong reasons. I won't be asking for a refund simply because I don't think the club can afford it and because it is money already spent. Nobody, including the club could have predicted these circumstances so I don't think a refund is required but that is just my opinion.
I reckon whatever a fan decides to do doesn't make them a good fan or a bad fan. If you take the refund, don't take the refund it doesn't matter you're still a fan and you shouldn't feel pressured into whatever decision you make by feeling bad about it.
I believe every fans financial needs will be different, especially during these very worrying times. I personally wouldnt judge anyone as a " bad" fan for requesting a refund. To me, it will be a case of needs must.
Sorry JD. I typed " wouldn't" in my original post. Don't know what happened. I've corrected it. Cheers.
Ive been a good fan for about 20 years.Season ticket holdet plus kids. Bad fan for the last 2 ,going to ocasional games. To be honest ive come to feel like i dont give a **** with these in charge. Really liked Stendal and felt like this lot couldnt run a piss up in a brewery. Ah well best get used to being a bad fan.
I would say you’ll be the same as you was before the decision was made. Being a good or bad fan has nothing to do with people wanting a refund or not.
If it's any consolation Bazza, I became very disillusioned during the times when Simon Davey and Steve Parkin were in charge, so I wouldn't class you as a " bad" fan. Like a lot of us, I'd say you are frustrated with the way the Club is being run at present. Keep the faith, this board won't be here forever and you will hopefully be able to take up your support where you left off once they've gone.
I respect any decision fans make - we've all got different circumstances. I'm waiting until next pay day to renew and I'm offering tickets back - money from last year's has long gone
Thanks for the perspection . When we get some ambition back i will put my money behind the board. Im not financing a development club for young proffesional footballers. If im honest im sick of it. Hecky was right to walk so was Mark Robbins. Also Stendal .