Good, I know lots of treatments have continued. Sadly I think its likely true that diagnosis will be down.
So you’re right and Shed 131 is wrong? What’s the point of anyone debating owt when you get shot down like you have done to Shed? It’s pointless arguing with people who no someone in Barcelona, next door neighbour’s a Covid expert in Donny, sisters, cousins daughters a nurse in Barnsley, they’ll obviously never win. FYI my wife works at Barnsley, and what Shed131 said is correct from what my wife as seen & heard.
I think the government didn't lock down early because of the Cheltenham Festival and the betting revenue it would have lost. I also can see why they were happy to sacrifice the Grand National to save face as the death toll crept up. Bookmakers did have a virtual race that raised **** loads of money. (Profits going to NHS). I don't think it's any coincidence that things are being relaxed in time for Royal Ascot from 15th to 19th June. As another posted eluded to. It's all money. They won't want to upset the Queen too. It's also true that Sheikh Mohammed has donated 60 tonnes of PPE to the British government and betting shops are to re-open on 14th June. Guess what? One day before the planned start of Royal Ascot.
It is in assessing the performance and actions of this government who are making the decisions (at the bidding of Cummings). The lock-down relaxation here is different to other countries who have localised arrangements, eg Spanish can't travel between their 17 regions, those 17 regions are relaxing at different speeds, citizen have to wear masks, can only exercise at specific times, can't all go and sit on a beach together and had got up to 700k tests per week by mid-April afaik.
Releasing measures now is the right time, providing we do it carefully and gradually. No country in the world has an effective vaccine at the moment and yet all case numbers and deaths are beginning to drop (and/or peak in the case of Brazil and Russia) - crucially, all following a similar pattern. Lives have been lost and that is horrific. But we HAVE to try to get the economy moving otherwise we will quite quickly risk killing that as well - we've already wounded it very badly. I've been reading and listening to a lot of content recently from Karol Sikora, a former W.H.O professor in Immunology, who has been issuing some fascinating tweets throughout the pandemic. All are positive and all his predictions thus far have been accurate. Some recent opinions attached. The human race is winning against this virus and we should be getting behind that idea rather than scare-mongering about a possible second peak which hasn't happened anywhere else in the world.
Could the numbers be dropping because the disease is losing it's potency rather than the measures in place? I say this because the numbers in the 0-59 bracket have been dwindling for a while now.
I really don’t know who to believe. I want to see the positive view being right as it eventually brings us back to some kind of normal life but the uncertainty is worrying for sure. I’m going to have to keep off this board though as every time I come on it after hearing a bit of positive news it just drags me down again. I’m sure some of the doom mongers on here would actually be pleased to be proved right if a second wave hits.
Apologies I didn’t attach the link.
I fear you are right, but this Govt. has made it so confusing/ ( possibly deliberate in some cases) that many folk seem to be trying to get back to as ‘normal’ as possible. The trust The public have in the information (especially following this latest Cummins debacle) given by the Govt. is almost diminished.
It's not just Central Govt TT. Wales and Scotland have been in charge of their own decisions on the Pandemic, they are lifting it too. South Korea: 58 cases no deaths, Yesterday 79 cases no deaths. Japan: No cases no deaths. Yesterday 32 cases nine deaths. 67 million people in the UK should be locked down based on so few cases in the past 48 hours for a combined 177 million in a different part of the world?
Copied from another thread as this is propaganda and dangerous to be spread unquestioned. I suggest people look further into this man themselves. I know how great it can seem for him to be selling comforting lies about how it is all fine. If you are wondering why this doctor has spent the whole pandemic underplaying the danger and encouraging lockdown to be lifted: Sikora is the Medical Director of private health firm Proton Partners Ltd, based in the tax haven of the Bahamas. He took part in a seriesof anti-NHS attack ads for the US Republican Party aimed at killing off President Obama’s healthcare plans. He described the NHS as ‘the last bastion of communism’. He wants to see its end and introduction of private healthcare. Does him constantly selling comforting lies about the safety of lifting the lockdown to overwhelm the NHS start to add up yet?? Just a heads up as lots seem to not realise the lobbying this man is getting away with.
Soon the NHS will be in name only, and people like this man and the utter ***** currently in charge of this Country and their ilk, will be a whole lot richer for it. Still the apologists will be out in force, but Labour , but Corbyn.
He's given a lot of people hope with his positivity at a time when MSM have frightened much of the nation. Check this interview from nine years ago...... He was using the 'sick man of Europe' phrase all that time ago that the MSM themselves have started to use recently. When he tweets about cancer being missed in people he was saying the same thing nine years ago that people wait too long to flag up their health issues.
nope he is a raging zealot with financial interests in bringing the NHS down. If you take any notice of what he says then I’m sorry but you are just adding to a far right narrative that pretty much ignores the rest of the scientific community.