Well i think they should be well paid to lessen the temptation of corruption. That said that idea clearly doesn't work on its own and I'm not pointing the finger in either political direction. There should be an independently run body that microscopically monitors every MP's financial affairs and ensures they are held to the highest standards with sanction to dismiss them. It's incredible that any MP can get away with corruption as easily as they do.
corruption is prevelant throughout politics right from parish councils through to westminster,its not what you know but who you know and this goes for all political sides
With the benefit of hindsight they might now regret it ? You ve got to be kidding . Here's a list of MPs who voted for the lybian intervention .... https://english.alaraby.co.uk/engli...-which-mps-voted-for-and-against-intervention They learnt nothing . Some familiar names on that list . I see Corbyn voted against ...... No wonder he was considered a " danger" to this country . Would not want our lot missing out on war now would we .
No idea; but that was the time the salary figure was posted. I’m not interested in political pointscoring; I just added some relevant facts and my opinion about what an MP ought to be worth. for anyone who grumbles about the quality of MP’s I always ask how much they cared when they cast their vote. I’m happy with the bloke I voted for
I’d be happy with an absolute limit on outside income. if being an MP is valued at £x then earns 2x £x elsewhere, where does their loyalty lie?
£137k - a decent salary to be sure, but isn't it just twelve grand over "peanuts" according to one B Johnson?
Wouldn't argue. You have to start somewhere though. We can't keep saying "what are you gonna do? They're all at it." It's not acceptable . The expenses scandal did untold damage to our politics and as far as i can see nothing has been done to fix it. Trouble is it needs political will to put something in place and that's like turkeys voting for Christmas. I'd have to say that pound for pound there's more swill in the Tory end of the trough but that's not an excuse for anyone of any party. I'm sick to death of hearing the yeah but what abouts though. It's time something was done.
These politicians make enough money after they've left the trough. They should not be allowed to earn a bean outside their MPs salary whilst they're doing the job. They volunteered to do it. They need no qualifications or training to do it.. We let untrained individuals, who have got where they are either by persistence or patronage, to run and ruin everyone else's lives. Left or right. This is not right. Nor left. It's just wrong. And it seems to me to be strange to plant your flag in the garden of a political party of any colour whilst this is how it operates.
Whilst I agree with your sentiment; I have to question the bit I’ve put in bold. There’s simply no way to run a democracy where those who wanted to stand were forced to be pre-trained*. The ‘job’ once they have it is to research appropriately and to be guided by experts. That’s why we have an independent civil service. The fact that too many of them put small p politics before the good of the country isn’t entirely down to them though. They represent us; we can choose to have a hand in selecting them and we vote for them, we can also feedback to them and vote them out too. *The modern complaint is generally that there’s too many ‘professional politicians’ nowadays - these are a generation of people who have studied only to be politicians and not got any real world life experience.
Certainly makes interesting reading, would have been interested to see if you have done the same on Rishi, for no other reason than he seems quite credible. Schapps, I have to admit I know little about but the above makes him look a right peace of work and you have to question with a lot of that being historical how the hell does he get voted in.
I’d double the basic salary, to improve the quality of parliamentary candidates, and at the same time I’d put an absolute ban on all and any forms of other income, even rental income whilst they are incumbent MPs, and allow zero expenses other than the cost of renting a basic property in London if the constituency is more than 50 miles away.
You would think it would be in every persons interest to have an independent committee who set set the expectations and parameters any MP would have to meet. i know a similar thing was set up for expenses etc but not sure if there is such a thing for general standards etc
Just to add a few more names to yours Lord. Liz Truss Tory, Gisela Stuart Labour, Kate Hoey Labour, David Davis Tory, Jacob Rees-Mogg Tory, Theresa Coffee Tory, Ian Austin Labour, John Mann Labour, Mark Francois Tory, Nadine Dorris Tory, Matt Hancock Tory, John Woodcock Labour, Andrew Bridgen Tory, Gavin Williamson Tory and all the D.U.P. Members of Parliament. Not one worth the time of day.
Robert Jenrick just answered really well about that story. We have an housing shortage, poor areas would get lots more affordable housing and they got the contract on merit.