Glad he's recovering well from his stroke last June. His channel 5 series visiting different factories was really interesting.
i could never understand how a trade unionist so against the unelected house of lords suddenly , when the time was right , decided to accept a peerage.This appointment was even more bizarre given that the labour party,in 1997, campaigned to abolish the lords 'I shall never ever wear the ermine' (Prescott in 2003)
I stick to that old adage "never say never". However, if all labour MPs and supporters didn't step in the House of Lordsome it does play into Tory hands.
I personally would not take up a seat in the house of Lords no. I have suggested why Labour party members would do so.
the labour party had no reason to bolster numbers in the lords,they were going to scrap it. you are skirting around the fact that the labour party were going to abolish the lords as an unelected chamber, they were against the lords right from the party's inception,they had the chance to do something about the situation but chose instead to continue the status quo,in fact by 2010 the labour party held 25% more seats than the tories in this chamber they were so against. btw,i wasnt asking if you would take up a seat therein. i have a sneaky feeling that had these commitments been made by the tories then your stance would have been different
There is a need for a secondition chamber though. Are you saying there should be no Labour opposition in it?
By 2010 you say the labour party held 25% more seats than the Torys in this chamber they were so against,. FFS we just had 13 years of a new Labour government, not a Labour government that team Tony Bliar, Alan Johnson, Jack Straw and co they were more Tory than anything a labour voter as ever seen did I vote for them did I ****. You keep telling us you vote Labour but pull them to bits at every opportunity and voted Brexit in doing so do you understand all that our ancestress went through to establish workers rights are going to be kicked into the gutter most have already been done since 2010 some working class are the working classes worst enemy.
My my union got me my workers rights and as for pulling labour to bits , all I’m doing is pointing out what they we’re capable of.. I do indeed vote for them but will never ever follow them blindly
Labour were against an unelected chamber and during the election campaign the said they would abolish it, in the end they did nothing. Prescott said that he would never ever become a lord, he lied and as soon as he had a sniff of the unelected seat he was so against he grabbed it with open arms.. this imo shows what a double eyed **** he is and adds fuel to the argument that ‘they all puss in the same pot’.. I had respect for him in opposition but by the time the tories took office again that respect was gone..