"Well, they're not taking ownership of any blame for the events at Hillsborough, in fact, they're blaming the fans, so let's just move on." Fùck that.
I think we’re sort of agreeing. I also think he needs sacking for the birthday trip, but was just saying that with the state of the country at the minute and the relentless news cycle, an honest apology would probably have seen the story move on to summat else by now. I’d obviously have still been pillocking him on Twitter and that, but the press would likely have let it go.
Regardless of who he reported this to, it would have to influence any police investigation. Therefore directly or indirectly it can be considered as such IMO. Ps.. Had a reight laugh at the 'Which three of us' comment.. Online mob rule now.. Come on let's get him..
Fair enough for me. Charge the bloke with wasting police time or whatever is appropriate and dismiss Cummings. THEN we can all move on.
But it did though! As I posted earlier; the government message is severely weakened - so you and your family are factually less safe now than they were. And not just you! How many people came into Indirect contact with that family During the hospital trip? He could literally be Directly responsible for deaths in County Durham. Is that not important because it doesn’t affect ‘your family’? I don’t care who anyone voted for - I despise tribal politics, anyone defending Cummings’ moronic behaviour is wilfully dishonest.
Your opinion, I disagree with it. Absolutely no way the likes of the BBC and Sky and the Guardian would have reacted differently. Ok maybe some of the more level headed general public, but certainly not out press IMO.
.....and wrong again! You clearly don’t pay any attention to the news cycle!! Today’s news/ tomorrow’s chip papers.
Who are they Andy? I'm just saying that I am fed up of reading about Cummings and other public figures who have stuck two fingers up at the public and broken lockdown rules.
How can we move on Mario? It's a signal to the current or any future government that they can commit any wrongdoing and get away with it. I'm sure he'll stick to his guns, get away with it and the attention will eventually die off but let's not just make it easy for them. This government are lying on a regular and significant basis. They're treating the British population like gullible fools and we're sending them the message that we're ok with it because eventually we get bored.
Do you think he will resign? I don't. I think it's a disgrace that he hasn't but there are so many other important issues to focus on now.
Tell you what is funny - The #scummedia hash tag on Twitter or whatever it is, just because the Tories are being held accountable for their latest pack of lies.
You stated untruths, which three posters corrected. You've had a bit of a mare, truth* be told. *Or not, in this case.
I assume you also think that Cummings wife should be charged with wasting police time for writing a totally inaccurate piece in the Spectator that said they were in London when they were actually in Durham.
They being the government. If we all just accept it, just move on, then nothing will change. If the people of Liverpool had just shut up and moved on.... that was my reference.