Well I have. I don't agree with the government standing by him for very much the same reason you have listed but it isnt going to change their position or the position of Cummings who is not going to resign.
If previous political advisory figures are anything to go by, no he won't resign. Alastair Campbell and the dodgy dossier set the standard in that respect and he still even gets TV time as an expert. So expect to see Cummings doing the same. We live in a democratic country so next time we go to the ballot box, the real countries mood will be reflected. Hoping once we get past this virus safely, Labour can put up some real party cohesion and a good set of policies. Most people rightly or wrongly couldn't buy into the full set of policies Corbyn laid out, plus we had Brexit clouding the Labour vote which they never grasped. Let's see what Starmer has in store. I want to hear Labour banging the drum loud and clear on their own direction rather than just criticising Tory policies. Do that and they probably win the next election.
Of course.. Stupidity of the highest order. You say that as though I defending Cummings as well. I've not once done that.
There is a saying in politics that if you can ride the storm past five days you will survive. Normally the five day point is the point where the pressure becomes insurmountable and there is no alternative than to resign. They're past this point and nothing has changed. I don't think it will.
It's dispiriting. The wedge has been chiselled in for some time now. We're way past the thin end of it. Outrageous misrepresentations, fiddling of figures, ridiculous and clearly false excuses being invented are now the norm. They know they can pretty much say and do anything. We've got four more years of Boris's ever more preposterous lies.
Another thing that was never questioned. His wife had no covid-19 symptoms, he even admitted that "That evening I returned home and discussed the situation with my wife. She was ill, she might have Covid though she did not have a cough or a fever" So she was just generally I'll. Had no covid-19 symptoms at all though. He too wasn't showing any symptoms. He admits his sole reason for thinking he could have it was that people who sit over 4 metres from him at work had had it. So even if we accept that a couple who thought they had it could justify driving to their parents this certainly wasn't the case here. Mary had no symptoms, he had no symptoms, at work he social distanced by double the guidelines. How the **** does that justify the drive? It doesn't. I put it to everyone that Dominic Cummings never had any symptoms and was simply not needed at downing Street because his boss was off work with sickness and so he took the opportunity to go on vacation for his wife's birthday. Returning only when his boss was discharged from hospital.
gone on for years this churton,illegal wars and inadequate equipment,expenses scandles,corruption,cash for questions,prostitution,abuse etc etc, in fact is there anything that the commons hasnt done lol these 'signals' have gone on seemingly forever
The world would be better place with No other party would be different though would they? They all would massage figures to their own liking, defend their own policies and invent excuses. Not just a Tory thing.
The beauty of democracy is that we can express our support or contempt for a political party at the ballot box.
It has. British politics needs a massive overhaul. I don't know how it's going to happen though. They could start with getting rid of the stupid tribalism of a two party state i guess.
But it won't happen Mario. The same people who have always voted Tory or Labour will do exactly the same again.
We'll see. You don't get an 80 seat majority from core vote. There are a lot of floating voters who go to the ballot box.
it will never happen the labour party being the party of the common man had a gilt edged chance to overhaul the system when they were given the keys to number 10 in 1997, the chose instead to continue with more of the same
Oh come on - yes all parties have less than squeaky clean MP's but there has been a step change in the Tory Party who have embraced dishonestly and Lies in a way that hasnt been seen from any party in my lifetime until after 2016. To say they are all as bad is just not true. You might as well state that because Millwall has more than its fair share of moronic fans Oxford and Ipswich fans must be just as bad
They do all do it. But i have to say that throughout the Brexit campaign and into the current Tory government outright lies have now become much more the norm. For Cummings to sit there and brazenly tell you he drove to Barnard Castle to test his eyesight....he's treating you and everyone else with contempt.
That was a Labour Government?? Agree with the sentiment , labour are as guilty as the Tories on that . However the LibDems did themselves no favours when the went into govt with the Tories in 2010 with LibDem ministers happy to let rampant Austerity go through in exchange for minor positions and limousines .
I hope you're right. As has been pointed out though Labour have shown no inclination to change the electoral status quo either.
Money talks and the power it holds can change the perspective overnight if pushed hard enough... Sorry wrong board for posting... conspiracy theories... Stuff like that never happens in real life... guess folk have been watching too many movies... When folk accept there's one rule for common folk and one rule for the upper class and elite ... Then We might move forward... Hang on a moment... We've got to get over the hurdle of accepting we are common folk let alone working class.... First.... And I can't see that happening anytime soon with the masses