Really hope I and the scientists are wrong - but unless the virus has changed its hard to see how we wont have a second spike in the next few weeks
I've just finished reading an article on Spanish Flu across US cities. Now, granted, it's not Covid - and I appreciate that track and trace would have been impossible in those days. But they did use social distancing to varying degrees. The charts for each city generally show a second wave following relaxation, albeit usually less severe than the first wave. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a similar pattern over here with Covid.
I don't mind Piers as he's a WUM and holds people to account. But it's the likes of him through his pandemic that's scared people through his negativity. I have lost count of the second waves he's predicted wrongly from VE Day celebrations, to packed London public transport, to bank holiday weekends we've had. He might be right eventually but more likely he won't be.
Can we get rid of this awful WUM tag? If somebody posts something then answer what they've said. If you feel the need to. Address their words. It's simple.
Lockdown for 18 months was never a viable option. Is it possible that people being forced to stay indoors for months means that when they are finally allowed out and to see friends that they were always going to then go a little crazy when they could? Is it also possible that allowing people to continue with some semblance of normality whilst maintaining an aspect of social distancing and enforcing tighter restrictions on those who's lives were most at risk would have, in the long run, led to less infections?
If I was one of those people I wouldn't be risking it. Professor Adrian Hill of the Oxford vaccine has made it known his main worry with it is they need to keep infections in the community high to have a better chance of it working, but they are going down all the time. So it wouldn't surprise me if Bojo relaxing stuff far too quickly for a lot of people is the government wanting to keep infections higher by letting people take more health risks for the good of finding a working vaccine quicker.
I think you are giving him too much credit. That is a plan. All Boris is doing is relaxing it because he thinks that’s what people want. No pretence at following science. You can construct an argument for relaxing rules for fit healthy people under the age of 60 I think that is a flawed plan but others have valid reasons for supporting it. There is no sane person who would argue that with 8000 new infections per day it’s safe for the vulnerable to go out. Unless you objective is to kill off a fair few to reduce the healthcare and Pensions budget for next year
Yeah the quickest way to get infections down the government have no chance of doing. That would be keep every single person of the UK in their home and you are only allowed back out when someone has been to your property to test you. Then you know everyone out and about has been tested and are clear (apart from the rule breakers).
Its a treat a day from the daily briefing now that a lot of folk have took it upon themselves to ignore the Government. Scummings. Reactive not proactive Troys. Keep them Proles confused.
WHY, Why av lockdown anyway, flounting rules all over the country, 3,000 people demonstrating a Murder, 2,000 plus rallying around drinking and partying all night, over a thousand people huddled together like lambs to the slaughter to watch two helicopters land on the beach. The whole fooookin things bin a farce since day one, them that mek it up cant even keep it up. Countrys fooooked. NUF SED.
Just been watching the BBC News. If Johnson and his cohorts needed any evidence that the farcical excuse proffered by Dominic Cummings could affect the general public in totally disregarding their guidelines, it was there for all to see on Bournemouth beach today. Thousands of locals and tourists crammed together on the beach enjoying the sunshine. Similar story in North Yorkshire, daytrippers totally throwing caution to the wind. We shouldn't be surprised, if we get a second spike in Covid cases.
We didn't get a second spike for easter, VE Day celebrations, cramped London transport or the busy beaches of the past few weeks, so I don't have any reason to believe the behaviour this weekend of the likes of the London protest march will be any different.
It will obviously be my fault for going to work if Sheila with COPD dies from it after going out How do you know we didn't? It isn't instant
Last week we were running at an estimated 8000 new infections per day so there is plenty of virus still in the community that is all basically pre Cummings due to the incubation time - things relaxed last week but its too soon to see the effects from now on we are giving up - I cant see how we will not get a second spike as nothing else significant has changed
If the model we have been given is correct then neither can I. I guess one change is the average temp and daylight hours is higher now as we move from spring to summer, which could be more significant in bringing down R than first realised. And we are all social distancing, in terms of keeping a couple of metres away from others, far more than we were two or three months ago. Doesn't seem enough to me. We should see a second spike. To have gone through lockdown then allow that to happen, rather than waiting a couple of weeks and implementing a test, track and trace system worthy of the name seems ludicrous to me. It could potentially be all for nothing. Deciding on a course of action, but not seeing that through, simply giving up a couple of weeks early, when it has shown to have the desired effect but also caused great hardship, is senseless. Of all the poor leadership decisions we've endured, this is the worst. There is another possibility. That not everyone has the same susceptibility to the virus. That there is, for what could be a variety of reasons, already a degree of immunity amongst the population. It would explain what we have seen in lots of places far better than the consensus explanation. In which case, we may not see a second spike. Which will be entirely down to luck rather than judgement.
It might look like that but there a great many people who a very concerned. Yesterday I went for a walk which took in a local pond which is quite popular. Most people were still keeping distance with at least 2m between small family groups. There were however several groups of young adults who were treating it as all over and definitely not distancing. They are of course highly unlikely to die if they catch it. But equally are just as capable as passing it on I know many people who are quite concerned and far fewer that think we should just get back to normal