Agreed, there seems to many sinister things going off. I've seen numerous videos of purported police officers causing damage and setting fires. Random pallets of wood and bricks on the middle of busy streets. Also seen videos of random Rambo wannabes turning trying to assist police in basically Army Stores uniform with assault weapons. Only in America.......this almost feels like it's been planned or prayed for, for some time. I'm also sick to death of all this Antifa ****, the last anti fascists who were truly organised and fought under one banner, did so starting on French beaches. Antifa doesn't exist it's an ideology I hope all humans support and would fight to uphold when required. Terrorist organisation my arse!
At the moment at least this isn't solely about Trump. But it could easily roll into more than the treatment of black people by a failed fascist state. Where that ends....
As I said yesterday, ban Antifa and you're banning protesting against fascism - period, as anyone attending a demonstration will be named as a member.
As a very brief example.. The real Koch Brothers are absolute bellends BTW. From back in 2011 Also FWIW from Reddit: .
Intere Do people understand a white kid committing a school shooting? Must be in America because I've never seen any sympathy from a single person here
No I'm not. I am one though who challenges stupid statements like everyone understands a school shooter if he's white. No they ******* don't.
Good. As for the shooter, it is true that people will question what drove them to it etc. etc.... not necessarily sympathise.
what as happened to the world #this #that, everyone is so nice and supports everything good, so how come all this siht happens all the time
Mark D. McCoy (@m_d_mccoy) Tweeted: George Floyd and I were both arrested for allegedly spending a counterfeit $20 bill. For George Floyd, a man my age, with two kids, it was a death sentence. For me, it is a story I sometimes tell at parties. That, my friends, is White privilege. @SuperTyke
It's a shame that this whole issue will be turned into a purely race issue . Far more to it for me . The cares act passed by both parties has literally screwed America , well the everyday citizen at least . Let's remember here , that $1200 dollar check did nt even touch the sides of what is needed to run a household in America for nearly 3 months and pro rata the average American is poorer than the average European . That creates a tinderbox situation as history has shown .
It's a feedback loop of poverty and racism, or racism and poverty. Both exist at the same time and exacerbate each other.
I really don't get why you can't see what most people can see. Not wanting to get into a slanging match as it does no good, though