You make a triangle with your fingers and sight a distant object with both eyes. Then shut your right eye, if the object doesn't shift you are left eye dominant. If it moves you are right eye dominant.
Oh, I know it’s my right eye that is bad! Just closing my left one proves that. It’s weird how much my left one has compensated for it though as my eye sight is really, really good with both, especially at long distances or really tiny font etc.
They did this with my dad and he started stammering. Once he was allowed to be left handed again the stutter went away.
My wife is German and left handed. In her early school days, at that time in Germany all children were taught to write right-handed, regardless of whether they were left- or right-handed. This is no longer the case but by the time it got changed she'd left school. This has a number of results: - 1) To this day she writes with her right hand, even though she's left-handed, but she's slower than a typical right-handed person. This caused her problems in office work (before the days of computers) as (for example) she couldn't take dictation as quickly as a right-handed person. 2) Even though she writes with her right hand, she does other tasks with her left land, including things like painting, clipping nails, using a computer mouse etc.. 3) She can now write with her left-hand as well, although it's far slower than with her right so she never needs to. She taught herself this over time. As regards cricket, I know a number of right-handers who bowl/throw right arm but bat left-handed. In many cases they were taught to bat left-handed as young children, as there's a theory that this makes you a better batsman. This is because your top hand is your stronger right hand when batting left handed, which for a right-handed person gives you more power and control with your shots. It's generally your top hand which does the work (unless you're aiming for cow corner!). Strangely however, I don't know any left-handed cricketers who were taught to bat right-handed for that reason.
You can tell we're a bunch of oldies. All this talk about writing. So just to prove how hip I am... which hand do you text with?