IF Cummings broke the rules. IF? Not only did he break the rules, he WROTE the bloody rules. He might as well have run one of the daily briefings and said "F*** this, get yerselves out and do what yer like"
Apparently with the Covid-19 death figures today, more people died in Britain (359) than in the remaining EU countries put together. This makes the actions of the thousands in Hyde Park and Whitehall, disregarding the social distancing advice even more worrying.
Same here. I fully agree to their right to protest (and support their cause), but a mass demonstration is not the way to do it *now* especially with the increased mortality rate across the affected communities. It needs someone creative to give them a new way to protest that doesn't increase their risk.
Agreed, I d have thought the last thing London needs now is a second wave brought on by these sort of actions. Many other ways and arguably more powerful ways to do it with Social media as it is now. I saw a picture of a whole street in the UK where the residents were all out on one knee. That as a single picture for me is far more powerful than the mass gatherings and videos of people attacking Police.
I note with interest that labour MP Barry Gardiner has tweeted ref his intentional breaking of social distancing to attend yesterdays event. Not expecting to see numerous threads on here clamoring for his resignation and slating Starmer for not sacking him. Not that I support Cummings actions in any way, but whats good for the goose as they say.....
Don't worry Johnson says in yesterdays Telegraph he's going to "take back control" I've heard that before somewhere, wonder what he's been doing for the last 6 months you could not make these things up, or could you like Cummins going on a 60-mile round trip to test his eyes with a kid in the car or the Brexit hard-man Steve Baker saying bringing back MP's to parliament is a complete farce then votes for it these people treat others with utter contempt and yet know whatever they say they can get away with it.
If Gardiner gets away with breaking social distancing it will be as you say whats good for the goose is good for the gander as Cummings has got away with his escapeage and barefaced lies although Gardiner as told no lies.
Just read his answer to someone suggesting he was endangering public health. It was "tested negative this week" . That's just outright stupid if true. The fact that he tested negative is hardly the f***ing point. So i'll agree fully that anyone protesting and breaking social distancing is stupid and, in the case of MPs needs sanctioning. But let's not forget that there are plenty who are a) against the lockdown and b) not that bothered about police brutality who will revel in this.
My daughter is planning on going to the Sheffield one . She will try to social distance but I think it more important to do this than spend time on a sunny beach, in order to put pressure on Johnson to raise the matter with Trump.
I’m sure that she’s attending with every good intention RH but she’d have more chance of social distancing at Cayton Bay than she would have in Sheffield centre. As for raising the issue looking at whats happening in America I’d say that the message has been sent. Whether and how its been received is a different matter.
My daughter was planning to come home from uni for the Sheffield one. We've told her she can't stay at home if she does. The risk of exposure and infection of me or my wife is too high at such an event - especially with my wife falling in at least two higher-risk categories.
You’re right, there have already been headlines showing these so called social media influencers posing at protests and outside the looted shops in America to virtue signal to their followers. Lets not forget that every looted shop, every smashed up car, every debris strewn street will have an adverse effect on someones livelihood once the protestors have had their day.
Be interesting to see if the media latch onto it and we get the same level of outcry. Won’t be holding my breath.