I had no idea of any meeting in Sheffield, but you should dissuade your daughter from attending any large gathering, as she'll be unable to socially distance, as you could see from the scenes in London yesterday. Yesterday's large assembling and march was irresponsible, disregarding the rules on contact. If she attends, she runs the risk of catching Covid-19, or perhaps more likely passing it on to you and others.
I find baffling the mixed messages put out by the Govt and the fact that, whilst wearing masks have become the norm when venturing out in Italy and most of Europe very few have chosen to wear them in the UK .That, bearing in mind it is a sort of 'double protection' given a sneezing /coughing/breathing person's mask limits distance droplets travel and the close person's mask properly fitted stops any that 'escape'), Nevertheless, I find it equally baffling, that the usual blinkered 'blame the Tories for everything' handful on here, on the one hand at various times complain about Govt becoming fascist, controlling and and dictatorial. and on the other, rather than blame people's stupidity for these mass gatherings and lack of common sense for failing to take sensible precautions, instead, claim that it is all down to one idiot breaking the rules and lack of clear instruction from Govt. Cumming has been widely condemned by the majority of the population (not unreasonable), I find that at odds with the amount of influence some on here claim he has had over so many peoples' decision to break lockdown. So all you (and there were thousands of views on the thread) vilifying him stating he was wrong and endangered people's lives at the same time are arguing , because he did so, it is OK for people, or at least explains why,they followed his lead!? Like I said you can't blame the Govt for people's stupidity. Governments should govern and lead by example, but people need to take responsibility for their own actions, a simple fact that seems to escape s few on here. A recent poster, many of whose views I did not agree with, nevertheless pointed out a simple fact about this BB. The handful of the blinkered 'anti Tory' ranters, (some of whom I suspect are very pro-Momentum) seem to feel the need to rush to the defence of members of their 'clique' as if the person to whom a particular post is addressed is incapable of defending themselves . ' Mob rule' in an attempt to stifle opposition to their views. When they resort to personal abuse or insults, any response in kind brings out the bullies who then accuse the responder of resorting to insults and abuse when, in fact, they merely responded like for like. Whilst the vast majority on here, even when diametrically opposed, provide a good platform for lively debate, a minority are inclined to ignore the point of debate and turn it into personal insults and character assassination. I await the usual suspects with the usual response.
Like I said you can't blame the Govt for people's stupidity. Governments should govern and lead by example, but people need to take responsibility for their own actions, a simple fact that seems to escape a few on here. Well said!
Having been on protest marches myself then it is relatively easy to stay on the outskirts if you wish to do so. As she's an adult she can make her own decisions, but yes there is a risk.
What role has Starmer appointed Gardiner into? Not sure Starmer has sole power to remove him from the party or from Parliament. Similarly, when a member of the shadow cabinet was found to breach lockdown rules, they stood down. If you think the Gardiner breach and Cummings breach are the same, then you are just seeing what you want to see.
He,s a labour MP not a conservative one so he won’t get any stick on here will he That’s 3 labour MPs now who have breached lockdown restrictions
Boris Johnson has yet to say anything on the matter to Trump and given that he is our Prime minister he obviously hasnt taken on board peoples feelings on the matter
They should resign/be fired off from any posts they have been given if they have done wrong. I don't think opposition MP's transgressions are much of a counterweight to puppet master Cummings mis-deeds, a man who tells us, via fatty Johnson, what to do.
guess what we agree with you! isn't it strange that normal folk can see that bad things and bad decisions need calling out not apologising for.
lets not forget that every cop who kills a black person will have an adverse effect on someones life.
I believe its also 3 Tory MPs too - including one minister (Jenrick) and one prime minister (went to his second home from hospital - although understandable) and Gibson (took train home to Darlington while suffering symptoms). Also Hancock returned to work early.
The last 10 or so posts have been amazing. Labour supporter - "what the Labour MP did was bad. He should be punished" Tories - "BUT LABOUR" It's just classic. Trixter - I agree with what you quoted me on. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. Will watch with interest.
Agreed. I'd draw a distinction between the protesters and the rioters though. No excuse for rioting and I'd suggest the ones rioting are mostly criminals who would take advantage of any unrest. It's not acceptable to portray all the people protesting as rioters. It's not true.
But you Tory boys have always brought Labour into the equation & you have to admit the Tories have made a right mess do you not see that, my god, you lot are the blinkered ones.
Nothing has an influence on Trump. We have to hope the outrage has an influence on others of power in America. I'm not sure it will though.