If indeed the virus is weakening then as we have with bank holidays and packed beaches/transport, we should yet again see no increase despite the protests of these past few days.
Barry Gardiner was sacked from the Shadow Cabinet in Apr by Kier Starmer so I assume, although I am not a political analyst, that the only thing left is for either Gardiner to resign or have the whip removed?
This week has seen a week-on-week increase with last week in terms of deaths and new infections across most parts of the country - except Scotland. The increase was small, but not insignificant and would correspond with infections around VE Day.
"Yeah, but imagine if Labour had been in charge of all this." It's tribal nonsense. "Well, this dog shīt that the Tory flung at my windows isn't great, but thank God it wasn't Corbyn throwing it." I am a big Labour man. But I protested against the Iraq war, and voted Green afterwards. I think, other than Thatcher, there isn't a politician I've criticised more than I did Blair. I have values, morals etc. I don't put a X in the Labour box or support all that they say and do, no matter what. That would be ridiculous. FWIW, as much as I despised the nasty Margaret, I'm pretty sure we'd be in a better position were she running the country than the clown in position right now. I've seen more nous in a Sheffield Wednesday changing room than there is in that current cabinet. It's like a collection of halfwits.
The point I wanted to make is that there’s been post after post on here about Cummings, nothing about a labour MP. Wasn't comparing the two acts just pointing out the lack of outrage when the boot is on the other foot so to speak.
Labour politicians were fast to question the phased return of kids to school, but are remarkably quiet about vast crowds gathering irresponsibly to protest about events in another country.
And you called it out when exactly ? Guess what none of the usual suspects on here have posted a word condemning Gardiner. Funny that.
I didn't vote New Labour/ Tories for 10 yrs & as for that bitch I can't bring myself to say anything positive about it, although I find some comfort in the fact it died a dribbling mess sh1tting in it's knickers.
Very good . Except..... a) I am not a Tory boy and b) I haven't mentioned Labour nor "brought them into the equation. So you prove my point by ignoring my argument regarding personal responsibility
Or a white person. But my point was about the protests being hijacked by virtue signaling sheep on social media.
Nobody's blaming labour, merely pointing out the difference in reaction when the boot is on the other foot.
Well for a start I haven't ignored your point on personal responsibility I just haven't commented on it, not a Tory boy? But a Tory?
Partly because he is PM of the UK and having told the US administration (as have the British public) on numerous occasions not to get publicly involved in the domestic policies of another Sovereign state he has focused on the UK problems. What he thinks in private and what may be going on diplomatically behind closed doors is another matter so it is not "obvious" at all.
Labour were against the easing of the lockdown. The government eased it, against the science. Six people, in your garden, outdoors, but two metres apart, shielding can go out, we are opening this and that. Of course folk have run with it. BUT LABOUR!
All very tribal. The only issue for me isn't race. It's the social distancing aspect. The people at any large gatherings are acting irresponsibly in my opinion. The actual issue was done in another thread and I chose not to comment for reasons highlighted in this thread.