have they been hijacked or have people been genuinely showing support for a fellow human being? The fact that human being comes from a background who has been persecuted for the colour of his skin seems to have passed you by. please dont try telling us that white lives matter, of course they do, indeed all lives matter but when that phrase is used by neanderthals who cant differentiate between those who have been victimised, oppressed, belittled and abused for being different then there really is no point.
Csn you not see the difference between someone who drew up the policy and deciding government response to the crisis and an opposition MP?
He hasn't made any comment though. His govt has criticised the Chinese govt (and rightly so) for their reaction to the Hong Kong protests.
Wrong again. I vote for the party I believe will do the least damage. Unfortunately , much as I found it difficult to NOT use my vote at the last election, I simply could not bring myself to vote for any party. That is how low my opinion of British Politics has become. I have on occasions voted for the Conservatives but also voted Independent and Labour. Unlike you I look at the policies and am not blinkered and constrained by ideologies or a blind hatred of a particular Political Party or seduced by empty unrealistic promises made in the run up to a GE.. Ironically, and I know this will bring a whole load of comments aimed at me,(and this is certainly not and endorsement nor a vote for Cummings and he does come across publicly as obnoxious and uncaring) but looking at his own ideologies he has far less in common with the historical Conservative ideologies than you might think. Just of the reasons the establishment are trying so hard to remove him is he is a radical and wants to reform the Civil Service and remove the long established Mandarins and create a meritocracy. He also claims (and this goes back long before he gained such influence) that he wants to shift the Paradigm of the UK social structure and address the balance of the North South divide. Removing him would almost certainly mean the 'same old...same old' when it comes to the Conservatives' time in office. Have you ever actually researched him or just been swept along by the media driven tide of opinion?
Calm down dear. Of course there are vast majority of us who are decent human beings and wish to rightly condemn the death of a fellow human being. Unfortunately as I posted earlier there are those who have used the protests to their own advantage - whether it is looting shops or (as I read yesterday) jumping out of a merc to pose for a photograph at a protest before driving off just to upload it on social media for the ‘likes’. As for neanderthals, do you know for certain that the reason the poor bloke was restrained as he was by the copper was because of his ethnicity or because as I posted earlier because the cop was just another police bully ? If it’s the first how do you know that ?
Of course I can, can you not see the hypocrisy in posting to condemn a tory advisor but ignoring the actions of an elected member of parliament ?
The elephant in the room, and although I risk being accused of using the 'Yeah but Corbyn...' response, is that in March (22nd), in spite of, at 70 being in the high risk category,, he ruled out putting himself into isolation, ignoring the medical and scientific advice at the time, and insisted it would be "business as normal" A lack of responsibility and setting a bad example to many, conveniently ignored by some on here.
Yes. I've researched him. I knew about him a long time ago. In my opinion he's one of the most dangerous people ever to get close to the heart of a government.
Boris wanted us to get to them beauty spots even to get to the coast for some exercise. With the men of science giving him a look of WTF. Boris told us later it was okay to hev a BBQ with another six people in the garden, with the men of science jumping in to explain about toilet arrangements and regularly cleaning surfaces. The guys a loose cannon. Even Yesterday he was on about essential travel only, think he went back in time at that moment.
Not rejecting your opinion just interested to know in what way you consider him 'dangerous' . EDIT... I am sure my question was to thetykester although I am still interested in your opinion.
There is no difference they should all be accountable for their actions whether lab con green lib democrats etc
Boots not actually on other foot though is it ? Gardiner didn’t write the rules , didn’t implement the rules , didn’t implement the fines for breaking the rules then said fek you I’m doing what I want. Gardiner is the opposition he broke the rules and should be punished as such Nobody on here had said he shouldn’t . The wankathon from the Tories and the like Comparing Gardiner to what Cummings did is desperate at best . It’s blatantly obvious why Cummings got stick no excuses whatsoever that’s why it was world media news the tribal true blues and some who on here obviously are but dare t admit it ( not you) Barry Gardiner has done wrong his offence is the same as Cummings but then the comparison of infringement ends there . Tory’s desperately trying to compare the two is laughable in anybody’s book the comparison is incomparable and desperate.
But only the Torys are making the laws if the country so there is a difference whether you admit there is or not.
Whilst I agree with much of what you’ve posted here Marlon ( as I often do !) it was me that brought Gardiner up in the first place; I never compared his actions to the deplorable actions and lies of Cummings, just wanted to point out that it had gotten no comment at all on here until I raised it.
You fail to state why you believe that.. thus invalidating your opinion. For my part and whilst it just scratches the surface and is only Wikipedia ... there is a lot that many Cummings/Tory haters would be inclined to agree with here..It is not the only source I have researched in the past as I became curious as to the man who created so much controversy and actual hatred towards him. ...... Cummings has described his political views as "not Tory (Conservative), libertarian, 'populist' or anything else".[91] In January 2016, five months prior to the 2016 European Union referendum in the United Kingdom, Cummings said: Extremists are on the rise in Europe and are being fuelled unfortunately by the Euro project and by the centralisation of power in Brussels. It is increasingly important that Britain offers an example of civilised, democratic, liberal self-government.[92] At an Ogilvy conference in 2017, Cummings stated his belief that the EU, rather than solving issues, was fuelling radicalism and extremism due to a perceived lack of control over issues such as economy and immigration: For me ... the worst-case scenario for Europe is a return to 1930s-style protectionism and extremism. And to me the EU project, the Eurozone project, are driving the growth of extremism. The single most important reason, really, for why I wanted to get out of the EU is I think that it will drain the poison of a lot of political debates ... UKIP and Nigel Farage would be finished. Once there’s democratic control of immigration policy, immigration will go back to being a second- or third-order issue.[93] Cummings has frequently criticised what he sees as a London-centred political system that failed to countenance the UK's voting to leave the European Union.[94] He has expressed his dismay that many voters' concerns, particularly in Northern England and the Midlands, have been ignored by both the Conservatives and Labour and 'taken for granted'.[94] He criticised New Labour's attempt at re-balancing inherent structural deficiencies within the British economy following de-industrialisation with a system of tax credits.[94] Cummings has said he has never been a member of a political party.[95] He came second in a list by LBC of the 'Top 100 Most Influential Conservatives of 2019'.[96] Although frequently portrayed as on the right of the political spectrum, he has expressed dismay for the European Research Group led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, describing the group as "useful idiots" for the argument to remain in the EU and that they "should be treated like a metastasising tumour and excised from the UK body politic."[97] He sought to isolate Nigel Farage from the official Vote Leave campaign in the 2016 referendum believing his presence to not be helpful in winning over undecided voters
Ive not seen it till I came on here so just shows how much the media think of it , It’s mainly the true blues int their desperation to compare the two . Yes it’s media news and yes he should be criticised and if he’s in the shadow cabinet he should resign imo . But it’s hardly the same boot as you put it and the desperation of the Tories to compare is as I said is laughable , How can a govt be respected and obeyed when it’s rule makers don’t obey there own rules ? Yes there idiots out there ignoring the rules but it doesn’t make the polices job easy when he’s done that . You need to at least make the ones making the rules accountable before you can implement them and be respected countrywide .