All lives do matter yes but in the USA and many other countries Black People are significantly targeted and judicially ignored , But the striking thing is that all lives matter is being used in a derogatory and dismissive manner and known racists are behind it .
24/115 NHS England deaths announced today were from yesterday. So the updated figure is 76/545 deaths announced this month happened in the previous 24 hours which is 13.9%. The backlog from other days (such as the other day which had 50+ different days in the total) is scaring people and doing untold harm to mental health. We are going the right way although clearly we would have been far nearer the end goal New Zealand have reached if we had people in charge who we could rely on.
Am I the only one that didn't find Deetee's post remotely racist. He wasn't referring to "all black people" or "all white people". It's exactly the reason I stay out of these race debates. As soon as your opinion doesn't match what people want you to say you're a racist.
But doesn't it strike you that BLM is racist in itself, shouldn't we protest any death in custody as a result of police acting unlawfully ? Is it racist to say that all lives matter ? Because if we’re only highlighting the plight of black people to the exclusion of other ethnic groups isn't that discriminating against folk from those groups who have died ?
Can’t see what your problem is tbh . Only two people have replied to DeeTee so how you can muster the opinion your the only one agreeing with him is bewildering . The fact you stay out of debates because someone else had a different view is your prerogative.
I agree SD and it’s one of the reasons I didn't post over the weekend. It’s another misuse of the dreaded ‘r’ word for me. I’d like to see Fonzie hold his hands up and apologize for that one.
That doesn’t strike me at all . As in the article gave a comparison that all houses matter but you concentrate on the one on fire . The protest was about Blackman being executed in front of witnesses . a black jogger being shot for no reason other than they THOUGHT he was a burglar with no evidence to support this and were never arrested .an unarmed innocent black woman shot in her own home which the police had got wrong address. There’s no reported or footage of this consistently happening in any other community in USA.
Because HK situation directly impacts many people who have option to claim British citizenship passports. For many years HK was a British terrritory leased from China. US and HK are not comparable for that reason
First you say 'Tory boy' then 'Tory'..I am neither.Both terms imply blind allegiance to one party and or ideology. Read my reply. .
Don’t get me wrong Marlon I’m not saying that there’s not an issue, it’s just that the term BLM excludes all other ethnicities. Don’t hispanic lives matter for example ? It infers a kind of reverse racism as it implies that there’s only an issue with the police v black people when I’m sure that other ethnicities suffer as well. I’m equally sure that the lgbt community suffer at the hands of the police over there. Therefore the assertation that all lives matter is racist is incorrect in my opinion.
It’s acknowledging that there’s a problem with law enforcement and accountability across the USA no question on that , But it’s doubley highlighting that if your black you’re ignored in the justice system with evidence to prove it . If you don’t think there’s a problem in the USA on race with all the evidence that’s out there then I do t know what to say tbh .
Strange post. My retort is still valid. Posting a response, particularly when the post you are responding to was not addressed to you, containing opinions and accusations without any reasoning is pointless and amounts to nothing more than clickbait
Yes your first line addressed that then the rest just went against it . You can’t say yes there’s a specific problem then post against it then go on to post other evidence. If you agree then that’s fine and that’s why they are protesting .