We bought both our German Shepherds from smack heads making a quick buck. Arnold was rescued from a house with dog poo allover the floor for £125. Covered in poo when we bought him. My Dad was tempted to ask the owners how much they wanted for the litter such were the conditions. Then 8 years later he bought Archie from a similar set-up.
Mongrel are from lines that cannot be traced (from other Mongrels) "Designer breeds" are from purebred lines which can be traced and is the reason they can charge so much for them.
Did you get one in the end? we've given up until after lockdown, the dog we are wanting are now nearly 3k, treble what they usually are.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/tearful-molly-mae-hits-back-22135935 https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/molly-mae-hague-bought-puppy-22136902 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb...rs-death-Molly-Mae-Hague-Tommy-Furys-pet.html Some background story. Molly Mae met Tommy Fury (brother of Tyson) on Love Island last summer. He decided during a pandemic to get her a four month old dog flown over from Russia for his girlfriend. The dog then died a few days later. The company involved Tiffanys Puppies had a court case two years ago so Tommy didn't obviously research the company he was buying from. TP on their Instagram did a post that got a lot of stick...... https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA-UShYAlWK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Motto of the story is if you're going to buy a dog during anytime nevermind a pandemic, get one off a good company and get one from the UK. Apparently the skull of the dog wasn't properly developed
Been thinking the same, we've spoken to a breeder this morning asking if she would take less than 3.5k for the dog - they're not selling at that price but are at 2k, she told us they are high because they cannot get to meet up with the stud dogs at the minute. Looking like we going to wait until the end of the year and get one for a third of the price.
In fairness to him, it was her that selected the breeder and asked him to get one from there as apparently she has mates who have had pups from that same breeder. Sounds like the dog had some defects at birth and would have died regardless of if it was flown here from Russia or if indeed it was bought by a Russian national so a lot of the stick they are getting seems very insensitive and unwarranted. With that been said, I still don't understand why they opted to ship one in from Russia. As sure there are thousands of dogs in the UK they could have gotten.
The same here, cockapoo's and french bulldogs appear to be very trendy at the moment, so looking at £3500 which is too much for me. Might wait for the price to come down although much prefer to get one now the time is right. Some of these breeders much be making an absolute fortune.
Rehome a guide dog - they're not puppies, they're around a year and a half (unless you opt for a retired one who will be around 9 years old) but they are generally well trained and cost £350 rather than £3500! You do need to be able to commit to not leaving them for longer than 4 hours at a time. They're not just labrardors and golden retrievers, they also have labradoodles, German shepherds, poodles and cross breeds. Our beautiful Lydia is going to be withdrawn from the programme as she is a bit too nervous to be a guide dog. She's the most well behaved dog I've ever met and we love her to absolute pieces but as we both work full time we can't keep her. Whoever gets her will be getting a fantastic dog! https://www.guidedogs.org.uk/how-you-can-help/rehoming-a-guide-dog
I know! We always knew we couldn't but it didn't seem so bad when we thought she would be going to someone to help. I don't think she'd have liked being a guide dog very much though, she likes to know exactly what is happening at all times and often backs away (which isn't great if a person who can't see is trying to put her lead on or fuss her). I really do hope that whoever gets her realises what a fantastic dog they have, takes her for lots of free runs and gives her plenty of cuddles. I'm not sure how long we will have her for now, they said a few days ago that the paperwork normally takes 2 weeks to go through (to allow them to withdraw her) and then I guess we have her until they can rehome.