I cant say better than Pontyender's post just above. There's still hundreds of people dying each day from covid 19, do their deaths not matter too?[/QUOTE] You're right they shouldn't be protesting at the moment due to the pandemic it is too risky. What I don't agree with though is the attitude that protesting achieves nothing. You're on a very dangerous path when you sit back and let governments do things unchecked.
So rioting, looting, defacing historic buildings and being a general dick shows the Americans we care, have solidarity and will putting pressure on DT will work then? Ok
You're right they shouldn't be protesting at the moment due to the pandemic it is too risky. What I don't agree with though is the attitude that protesting achieves nothing. You're on a very dangerous path when you sit back and let governments do things unchecked.[/QUOTE] This government will not do anything to put pressure on Trump so the op's premise that a protest in Barnsley would help sway them is non-sensical. Ffs, they didn't even sack Cummings when the majority of the country were calling for it.
I get what you're saying and agree they couldn't care less, but in a non pandemic environment protests should still happen and people should never accept things lying down.
It’s all opinions and I respect yours but I honestly don’t see what benefit it will have, I’ll be shocked if there’s no clashes!! A tell you what really pisses me off is that the police are going to be put in a position where social distancing is potentially going to be an issue, let’s be hypothetical and say a police officer catches the virus and passes it to a loved one who sadly dies, has the protest all been worth it? We’re in the middle of a global pandemic and we’ve got thousands of people willing to potentially unravel the hard work the British public have gone through in the last 11 weeks!!
I agree, I've been on protests myself in the past, but we have to get rid of covid 19 first with a minimum additional deaths. In the next couple of years there's going to be protests (and riots) a plenty, the country's approaching boiling point with these lovely person*s in charge.
Its virtue signaling for the ‘likes’ , we have a look at me society thanks to social media, a protest in Barnsley won’t even register with Boris and certainly not Trump. People should not be gathering in large groups, they’ll clap for the NHS on Thursday nights and potentially expose themselves to covid at the weekend so they can post that they were there ( just like labour mp Gardiner). What hypocrisy.
Just what we need in middle of a pandemic, a few entitled white sjws smashing the town centre up for a few Instagram likes. I hope every single one of them gets covid19
Im sure there is a minority that are doing it for likes, but the majority are absolutely appalled by what has happened and are starting to realise this has to stop. I'm talking generally not in relation to this specific protest.
I’m absolutely appalled too but I’ll not be going standing shoulder to shoulder with a team of Young un’s with there phones out, just for the ‘gram’........
I've already said I don't think we should be protesting as its too dangerous right now. The thing youve quoted me on was more about social media and how trickster was saying he felt it was virtue signalling.
“I’m not racist, all lives matter”... so to prove it I’m gonna go take a **** outside Barnsley town hall, then I’m gonna set Favela on fire and go find a fruit and veg stall in the market to smash up. That will ‘stick it’ to the system.
Just on the social media subject, clips I’ve seen so far, it’s unbelievable how many are stood there with there phones out!!
Your’re fekin weird. The vast majority will protest, maybe a tiny minority will either start or attempt to start something stupid and if they do I hope others will step in and stop it, if not then hopefully the law will.. For the record I don’t think they should protest due to the potential lack of social distancing etc,