Did they get charged with child neglect at the time for leaving their kids alone to get pissed cos I know if I’d have done that I would have been banged up and not allowed to see my kids again
That's the question that cracks the case for me. Why would you leave a child on their own in a room in a foreign country while you went out and got p1ssed? Unless...
No JC, charges have never been brought. We used to book baby sitters to mind our three if ever we went out. Waste of time really, because if she didn't keep saying we needed to go home to see the kids, my wife would phone the babysitter a couple of times during the night to check they were OK. The pub was barely 800 yards from where we lived.
I couldn’t dream of leaving someone that young so i could have a nice meal and a few beers in peace and quiet
I think the Leicestershire social services were involved when they went back to England but they left Portugal when they were still " aguidos" and any attempts by the Portuguese police to come over to England were blocked. The biggest thing for me is the fact there was never a reconstruction done, the friends refused to return to Portugal to assist with one. I can't think of any other missing person case where this hasn't been done. I feel for the twins who have grown up in the shadow of this. They must be so confused.
That could apply to anything though. You drink drive, crash your car into a tree and end up with injuries. You still will face a drink driving charge.
I think personally that the need to present themselves in a certain way maybe clouded the inquiry. I think if it had been a Portuguese national under their law they would have been prosecuted from what I read at the time.
Well they admitted to dosing her up on calpol would have thought doctors would have known the possible side effects of that getting back to the question yes I think they were involved but that’s just my opinion
No, I think the poor lamb was taken, and they’ll have to live with the horror of that until their dying breath.
I don't know. I know they're not telling the whole truth and as a parent I can't imagine why you wouldn't do every single thing to find out what happened. If I was forced to say I think she wandered out the apartment, earlier than the McCanns claimed. In her book Kate said Madeleine asked them why they hadn't come when Sean was crying the night before when they'd left them. And either was abducted and killed then or met with an accident, apparently there was a lot of building work going on.
I had my suspicions after watching one particularly compelling documentary. But that was only one side of the story. However, it is extremely unlikely that German police would openly declare that they had a prime suspect, unless there was pretty strong evidence that he might have been involved. If they didn't do it - well, what they did was, in hindsight, pretty negligent. But as a parent, I'm pretty sure that not a minute goes by when they don't replay what they did, and wish that they had done things differently.
Was she even in the room? Father did the first check. Then the mother did the second and raised the alarm. The other two children were asleep in the room. Why weren't they murdered or taken as well?
But she wouldn’t have been taken if her parents were at home with her and why not take the other 2 as well
No. The theory that they did it falls apart as soon as you think what they did with the body. The timeline of when they would have had to have disposed of her makes it impossible. They went out on the piss, lost track of time with their supposed checks on the kids and someone snatched her. Completely negligent what they did, but no way they killed her.
As a parent we have a responsibility to keep our children safe leaving 3 kids alone was not what responsible parents do