So if you're accused of raping and murdering someone but it's proven you didn't murder them it says you didn't rape them either?
I stand corrected on that point if that is the case matey. My understanding was he was asked to be there ASAP and maintained his governement role and salary before accepting their role full time. He looked like a washed up alky on TV last night, but when you have made a career lying for a living, not to be surprised. Look at his performance telling the worlds press Cambridge Analytica had nothing to hide! John Buck I think was the first FCO man on the scene ....... he left his role after being uncomfortable with events and coercion.
Juat because one assertion is incorrect doesn't mean they all are. The inconsistencies are there to see, as I've said fron Gerry's blogs, television interviews, witness statements , events they participated in. I've no idea what happened but its disingenuous to take only one view of it.
If anyone has a spare couple of years they want to formulate their own opinion, the Police Files are all on record. One part I find really odd is that when asked for the SD card to the camera, the Mcs' instead sent it to a family member just up the road from me in Skipton, who saved them as greyscale PDFs and put them on CD for the PJ in Portugal. Why? (yes, I get the "bungling police" should have seized it, not requested it) This is an example of what they provided to 'assist' the search for their daughter.
If X tells me that Y raped and murdered Z and it is proved that Y did not rape Z, it obviously shakes X's credibility as far as his assertion that Y murdered Z is concerned. It means he was wrong about the rape and his word is questionable. It doesn't mean Y did not murder Z.
I don't want to get into a argument. 1) If MM wandered off,where is she and why did no one see her. 2) UK Murder Team,found MM blood DNA in Hire Car, a Luggage bag missing, plus there was a unaccounted 90 minutes of the McCanns whereabouts, after alerting the authorities. The McCanns did not cooperate with the Portuguese or UK police,during formal interviews. The behaviour of Kate McCann was positively bizarre following the disappearence and aroused suspicious. For instance she went to Clement Freuds nearby villa,a couple of days later. She described having a nice afternoon there ,where he made " the best Bloody Mary ever and a lovely omlette". As someone who has worked with both Murderers and victims ,alarm bells would be ringing. Your first born child has gone missing in a foreign country, you would be frantic,you wouldn't sleep,be concerned with your appearence,accepting invitations from strangers for drinks in the afternoon. Going on shopping trips leaving your remaining children with friends,going to Rome to meet the Pope. Why the Elite behaved in the way they did,we may never know. Whatever the PR,both police forces know the answer lies with the McCanns and their friends. Until one or more of them breaks, it's all pointless discussing it. Don't you find it strange this has resurfaced,when the current government are so incompetent at running the country?
Link doesn't work for me - sorry. I'm not doubting that their story isn't true - it's full of stuff that contradict stuff. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're complicit - they've probably spun a web to try to make themselves not appear to be the negligent idiots they obviously were. But the amount of people who would have had to have been 'in on it' is far too many for something to not slip after all these years - imo of course. But I certainly won't begrudge anyone an opinion on this - it's actually refreshing to have a discussion on here with 2 different points of view that doesn't descend into namecalling. You ******.
Totally agree on that bit. Unless the Mc's were so clever that they really were all stereotypical middle-class twits and didn't even realise they were complicit. I would have thought Jane Tanner or Diane Webster would have cracked by now, but they haven't.
I have no in depth knowledge of each and every aspect of the McCann tragedy. I have taken an interest over the years. And you are also only going on what has been written, by many, with different motives or understandings or misunderstandings. Over the years. I can however answer your last question. No - I don't find it strange. That this has surfaced again now has nothing to do with Boris being in trouble. The Queen croaking it on Cheltenham Gold Cup day, in retrospect, might have helped.
I'm convinced they did it/know what happened and I honestly don't think anyone could fully convince me otherwise.
It's a gut feeling for me that they're involved more than they're letting on. I've had it since it happened. Stuff i've read just compounds this.
only twice - that's good going! I was 'deliberately lost' on a Sunday School outing to Barry Island aged 8 - spent the day in the 'Lost Children' hut with about ten other 'lost' children - parents decided to 'find' me about 5 just before the bus departed. Oh! cariad I was worried about you and was searching for you all day' …. bolycs!
My brother in law was once so annoyed with his kids continuing carping from the back seat he pulled off the motorway into the services, kicked them out of the car and drove off. Drove to the next junction, turned around and came back about 10 minutes later to some rather upset - but much quieter - kids.
ha - some years ago my sister-in-law stopped on the hard shoulder (M5) and got out of the car, opened the back door and told her whinging 3 children to get out - said she was leaving them - they immediately shut up folded their arms and not a sound heard from them for the rest of the journey. Sister-in-law carried on the rest of the journey majestically. Now the children are young adults they love to regale people with the tale - and embellish it by saying s-i-l had slapped them - something she denies (although wouldn't put it past her!)
recall baby-sitting one night and youngest baby daughter was crying non-stop. I found myself getting angrier and angrier and I suddenly felt like smacking her. Fortunately I had the control to lay her on the floor and walk out of the room. A bit later she calmed down and things were o.k. But I realised that the dividing line between control and loss of control is a very fine one.
When Junior was a few weeks old, she went through a phase when she started crying at about 5pm and wouldn't stop for a couple of hours. We tried everything, but most days I'd walk in from work and have a screaming child thrust in my direction by my wife at the end of her tether.