After hearing the news that the UK will allow chlorinated chicken and steroid fed beef to enter the country, I thought this might be helpful to anyone who can’t quite grasp what’s going on. If you read or hear any sentence emanating from the government which contains the words “The UK will not,,,,,,,,,,,,,” Simply delete the word ‘not’ and you’ll be close
I’m bewildered tbh at people still supporting this rotten to the core lying unscrupulous conniving two faced lot . Even if chlorinated chicken and steroid fed beef doesn’t bother you the fact a governing party said under no circumstances would they bring it in then after being revoted in take steps to clear the way for it’s consumption should ring alarm bells of what sort of people we have governing us .
The sheer number of lies over matters of life and death (COVID), suggests that they are not actually being honest about Brexit - its just less obvious to the majority.
It’s tribal with a a lot of the Tory voters . After many accusations that voters in Barnsley only vote labour because of their parents etc and if a donkey wore a red rosette they’d vote for it . Ironically they have come on here defending lie after lie , blunder after blunder and incompetence after incompetence . There’s more tribalism in the Tory ranks than any labour voter . The criticisms from within the Labour Party at the last labour govt were many fold . No one defended them the way this lot have and then have the gall to call labour voters sheep . Thir ignorance is astounding .
It was in the Tory Manifesto that they would not allow this Only recently the government whipped against an amendment to force this into law telling their rebel MP's to trust us we wouldnt do that we promised Now that parliament cant easily challenge they are U turning Even if Chlorinated chicken doesnt bother you - and to be honest its not the chlorinated bit that does for me - its the US animal welfare standards more than cleaning the chicken afterwards, there are other things attached to the deal which are far more scary 1. The US will require us to remove country of origin labling off foods - so you will have no idea where your chicken came from 2 . The US will require us to remove subsidies from our farmers so that they will cease to be competitive either with the US farms or EU to save me typing here is a list someone prepared earlier And Still the Brexiters think that we have taken back control and will be better off being told what to do by Trump instead of jointly agreeing policies with our neighbours in Europe and over 40% of voters voted this lot in - I still cant get my head around it
But what you are all forgetting is that we have a chance to get a new blue passport. I am also interested to hear what the Brexiteers thoughts are on good old Johnson saying that he wants EU workers back to help with the economy, especially after making them feel unwelcome for the last 4 years.
I’ve also read that USA have also called for the removal of Country of Origin labels from our food packaging so as to make the competition fairer. Also read about allowing this sub- standard produce in but with a high Import levy on it, but Liz Truss is looking into easing this off over a period of time Awaits the Project Fear mob
The number of times I have been called a Corbynista despite publicly stating multiple times I wasn’t a fan (his leadership rather than his policies) then there’s the assumption we’re poor = the politics of envy. But if you’re well off it becomes ‘champagne socialist’. It’s an utter joke. I’m a Barnsley fan, dad was a miner, didn’t go to Uni. So definitely envious of the rich. But then I like an evening at the theatre, fine dining and I’ve got a fancy job title - clearly a champagne socialist who doesn’t understand the real world.
Its certain to be linked - if we agree to accept substandard foods they will insist we also agree to remove food labelling as most of us wouldnt buy USA chicken even if it was cheaper ( though pies sandwiches etc will be a problem) Dont forget they also want to remove protected status on regional food so they will be able to sell us Champaigne and Melton Mowbury pork pies made in California and we wouldnt know them from the real thing I also read that they will actually require us to make it illegal to put country of origin on all imports but I am not sure how that can work I dont know how you stop a french Brie manufacture from labelling its cheese with where its from - but it wouldnt surprise me if that is insisted on - if someone has knowledge on how this could work I am interested
I suppose if we think that we’ve seen it all from this lot with Get Brexit done and the current debacle, then we’ve certainly got another thing coming
That’s one of the first things they spout when getting criticism off anyone not a Tory . I have no problem with people being rich as long as they pay their fair taxes . But no they want to keep even more and pay naff all and let the PAYE pay it all , Thing is as well they convince the gullible into thinking they’re keeping more of their money whilst losing it many more fold on rolled back services , people thinking they’re paying twenty thirty quid a week less on tax whilst for the multi rich it’s millions . People so gullible at times but then the Tories have their allies that pedals the lies effectively even though it’s lie after lie .
Speaking of fair taxes, what’s your view on VAT? I think it’s the most unfair tax ever, I had hoped a Labour would abolish it and put income tax up, but I think we all know what the tory press would do that idea!
I think it’s a good idea on luxury goods but then they’d have massive debates on what luxury goods were . Id class family cars,essential white goods etc as not luxury goods these days . The only fair way is to tax wealth but some govts have made it harder to get at this wealth there is just no point in thirty somethings owning billions of pounds they’re grandfather made it’s obscene. We all want to leave our loved ones something from our hard earned lives but there is a limit imo .
I just can’t see how it can be right that as far as VAT is concerned, I am taxed at the same rate as the duke of Westminster. If we were all taxed on income, we’d pay a bit more tax but everything we bought would then be 20% cheaper.
It’s the items that are VAT regulated I’m more concerned about tbh . Most things we buy should not be VAT registered everyday items , food .clothes white goods most computers laptops TVs etc certain cars . Private airplanes ,Helicopters should definitely be along with other luxury goods .
VAT is a more progressive tax than sales tax (which it replaced). IIRC 48 of the top 50 economies have some form of VAT - America being the obvious exception. It is fair in that you pay tax irrespective of your income on what you spend, but it does disproportionately hit the poor.
It does have sales tax though its a lot less than we pay in VAT - it also varies by state but its usually around 6-7% Id also take issue that its fair that you pay on what you spend - I agree there is a good case for true luxuries but less so for what most of us would class as essential items - so most food and clothing should be exempt in my opinon - same for phone calls gas electricity etc