Some of the examples I've seen, especially in New York, is thuggish behaviour. They appear to revel in the power given to them. Give them a baton and they'll gladly give you a thwack. Give them an old guy and they'll shove him backwards and walk by as blood pours from his head. As @DavidCurriesMullet said, the issue you have is the amount it differs from police dept to police dept. Some of the clips display thuggish and unlawful behaviours, and in extreme cases as with George Floyd can extend to murder.
Ah yes a good point. I don't think ALL police are thugs. I was generalising. The police force and setup has allowed for thugs to thrive but I definitely don't think it's true of all police
Well she's back from Sheffield, thousands there. Masks were handed out for those that needed them. Hopefully the govt will take some notice and condemn the deaths but I'm not holding my breath.
If there are racist cops then the force as a whole are racist .. Unless there are moves to aggressively stop it and undermine the individuals who are or allow racism to happen then the whole force has to own it . It’s no good saying a company or institution is not racist when acts of racism is being tolerated ,
The few police I've come across in the USA did seem to operate with a default attitude of arrogance, or perhaps "don't mess with me". But then i wouldn't imagine there's much room for argument with the gun culture they have.
They've been sacked. That's not exactly tolerating it. I don't think it's tolerated except in small pockets which is the case in any large organization. I think it's the brutality that's more tolerated
They’ve been sacked because they were caught and even that doesn’t necessarily say that is generally the case . I’ve seen multitude of videos on you tube etc to suggest it’s not a few bad apples . Videos shown on here shows instances of organised thuggery led by high ranking officers .
Have you seen multiple videos only of black men being killed or have you seen multiple videos of men regardless of race being killed? For me it's the latter.cthe most shocking I've ever seen was Daniel Shaver a white man. His killer was found not guilty in the biggest miscarriage of justice I've ever seen.
Fgs, SuperTyke if I had a wish right now it would be to change your skin colour and transport you onto the streets of Minneapolis for a few months. It might open your eyes a bit to the racism that you refuse to acknowledge.
Not on the police racism issue. I found that one thing lots of police have in common is that they look after their own. The police officer in the Reds v Wednesday incident. Was not suspended. A thing i mentioned in no uncertain terms at a meeting I attended with SYP and fans. Suspending him straight away pending enquiry was the least they should have done. During the miners strike. I met up with 2/3 SYP. one I was good mates with. ( from mining families) on the picket line and told em to sort the MET out. Because SYP would suffer the aftermath whilst those in the met were laughing all the way. The response I got was. that’s how it is, we stick together. With heavy hearts. Until any force and I include colleagues get shut of the rogue element. Things will stay the same.
I haven't refused to acknowledge that racism exists. At no point have I EVER said that. What I have said is that police kill people of all colours. There is no evidence that George floyd was killed because he's black and yet you encouraged your daughter to break lockdown today to protest against this racist killing. And I'm the unreasonable one?
Are you saying there’s no racism in the US police only thuggery ? I know there’s white people killed by US police but for a 12% minority there’s significantly more black people killed by police than white or even Hispanic .
apart from all those restrictions you’ve mentioned above of course. but what you actually mean is “you might be able to have a restriction free summer holiday”
No I'm not saying that. In fact I've said the opposite. I've also said that there are more interactions between black people and police. More violent or face to face crimes. More fun crime. More resisting of arrest etc. Is it not possible that that leads to the higher number? Is it not logical that instead of seeing the end stage in the long chain and screaming that that's where the racism lies that maybe we should be starting off at the beginning and cutting out those interactions in the first place?
They were all as bad as each other HF believe me At the outset of the strike there were miners picketing with their Fathers and Grandfathers in some cases . The odd thump ,kick from the police lines and for no reason ,shoving and coralling with orders of their offices stood at the back for no reason at all. Not gonna go too much into it I’ve documented times many on here my experiences and thoughts . Must have come across every police force in Britain on those picket lines in Notts , each one willing to laugh , joke share a *** then Kick seven bells out of you when the order came . We were classed as thugs and trouble causes as we were kept away from the media till the police deemed them ok to film us after they’d done the deed . If I hadn’t witnessed it myself I wouldn’t believe it either , also people used to say well the miners weren’t angels but I can say fir first few weeks we were and they turned us into what they wanted .
Wow, glad that whole Coronavirus thing cleared up, otherwise a massive public gathering like this would present a grave health risk and would certainly be dispersed by the police.
Don’t forget Marlon. I also picketed every day of the strike and saw the goings on. I’m not defending any of em. But you and I know The MET to a man. Were on another level. I too saw and was involved in incidents that made my blood boil and were misrepresented on the news.
It were the met that raided the Fitzwilliam Arms in Kinsley beating everyone inside for no reason and smashing up pub . W.York’s police statement “nothing to investigate” They took a beating at Houghton Main and Dearnevalley collieries when miners found out it was they who were escorting the Scabs in , they were hated even in the working pit villages in Notts.
Was at Houghton that day mate if it’s the 1st day the winder went in. Or was it the day all hell let loose before I arrived later on . I picketed from Darfield main. ( they allowed me to picket from there having lived in wombwell at the time. Joining some mates) But was working at fence workshops prior to the strike having been reluctantly transferred from elsecar when it shut. If we ever get chance to meet up and reminisce on the good ( some really funny stories) as well as bad times that’d be great.